Any android programmers around

Dec 3, 2016
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Know this is not about drones but I have run out of ideas. Trying to find someone skilled in android programming to create an app to finally stop unwanted phone calls. Yes there are hundreds of these
apps but are all the same. They require you to either create a continuously growing white list or same
with a black list especially now that solicitors seem to have an unlimited number of new numbers. I want
a App for my phone that can allow me to record a outgoing message, and require caller to enter a four digit
code that I set before the call can go through. Ideally no ring at all or at most one ring.

At one time I had a hardware device that went in line with our landline that worked this way and it worked
great. Never got a spam call and when I needed to let someone call say for a quote I just gave them the code.
What the same thing for my cell phone now that we dropped the landland. Willing to pay reasonable amount
for development and developer can sell on Playstore.

Again sorry for posting here but I have read lots of posts here from members that seem to have a lot of knowledge in this area. If anyone interested just reply to post and I will get a email to them.
Have you checked google voice features?

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