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  • I'm interested in purchasing a "Phantom Pilot" shirt or two. How and where do I do this Battman? Also are there any patches available? Thank you in advance for your time.
    Hi, I am a new member of Phantom Pilots forum. I would like to order a T-shirt and a hoodie. I tried to ordered them online yesterday but because I live in Australia the order couldn't go through as the online system couldn't determine the shipping cost. I then left a message on the online contact but still haven't heard any reply yet. A fellow member told me may be I can get through via you?
    G'day Battman
    Did you or someone from Badgewear ( badgewear1027 ) send me a friend request through Flipora?
    In any case info says they want to view my emails and settings,know who I am on google+, view my email address and manage my contacts.That's not gonna happen.
    All a bit sus so not entering into it but was curious if it was sent by you or not,as a little research quickly shows it is a spam and phishing scam.
    Not to my knowledge. I'll review the email account and see if I can't find the cause.
    I may have to pm you in a bit. Not figuring out the forum very well on my phone.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Thanks for the info battman,that's not too bad.I'll get an order organised.
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