YouTube and copyrighted music content

Sep 2, 2016
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This may have been addressed here in the past, but if not, here is some information that I have gleaned after posting several videos to my channel with copyrighted music as their soundtracks.

YouTube lists most songs at this link - YouTube - with each copyright holder stating what their policy is regarding the song being used in a video posted by a user. All of the songs that I have posted in my videos are copyrighted, however the holders of the copyrights allow the use of their songs in the videos under the stipulation that any and all monetization as a result of video views goes to the copyright holders and not the poster. This can also mean that advertisements are shown on the videos as well.

As for me, I do not plan on ever becoming a wealthy YouTuber, and any videos that I post there are pretty much watched by family and friends as a type of drone journal depicting some of the fun that I have around the area where I live. If however, you have aspirations of making a few or a lot of dollars on YouTube, you would need to avoid copyrighted material all together, or possibly get written permission to use it.

Lastly, if a copyright holder was to change their YouTube posting policy regarding their material, YouTube would remove the soundtrack from any videos using it without permission, but I see this as unlikely, because copyright holders do make money and get exposure when their content is used in this fashion on YouTube..

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