Roof Spray Project

If interested, I started spraying down the roof today. Winds less than 2mph. Rather difficult to start at the roof top and decrease height and move down the roof. Was actually doing great till the feed hose got snagged on a gutter. Then, it got ugly. Out of control and came the roof to fall to the ground, upside down running wide open. Props grinding into concrete, camera laying on the ground. Finally got it to turn off. Installed new props, left camera off and we are spraying again! I know I will get some crap but don’t care. It was fun and exciting to see and idea sort of work. Funny how many people in my area have heard and are interested in what’s being done. And yes, I get flight approval for 100’ before lifting off.

I’ll get video when I put it up again. The Pro3 is a sturdy beast!
Oh bummer,that sux,, yes upside down spinning on concrete hard to watch,,:eek:
Been there done that,your not alone,dont worry,,neat story to it
Good luck and look forward to a clip
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Well, a couple of hard crashes have me scratching my head and could use suggestions. As seen from the videos I posted, I can fly this rig 20,30,40,50' with all the weight with no issues. I can let it hover until the battery down to landing levels. Can fly it all over the yard and all is under control. Not just flying slowly, but moving aggressively.

But, when spraying the roof, it is controllable until I drop to about 2+' above the roof. Then, both times, it just tries to kill itself on the roof and things get ugly. Slides down the tile roof, running wide open and one time ended on concrete, the next onto a shrub. Both times camera unseated but works fine after reconnecting.

Could this be something with the downward sensors getting confused on the steep roof?

I know this was never designed to do anything like this but its a challenge to know it will fly in the yard, just unstable trying to fly down the roof and spray.

Turn downwards off,,might be unsure of surface as mentioned above,,rotor wash might be affecting it also,,need to find that sweet spot ,might need to try it higher with sprayer hanging off at lower level than mounted to the drone,,sounds like fun ,good determination for sticking at it
Appreciate the suggestions. I’ll turn off the sensors and try some careful tests.

also, may have to come up with some sort of “drop mounts” to get the boom further away from the drone.

Fun project, not sure if practical or will work, but fun trying.
End of the Experiment.....

Well, after 3 hard crashes, I give up. Turned off the ground sensors as the manual says they don't like monochrome (solid brown tile roof), sharp angles ( my roof), and are not reliable under 1.7'( Was defending to ~2' to get a good spray pattern).

Each crash was proceeded with completely stable flight until I started to decend a bit to spray. Then, bad things happened quickly. Basically, the drone would quit responding once it started its dance of death.
Before the last crash, I had installed prop guards so only damage was the props ground themselves into oblivion as it slid down the roof.

Was a fun project and I know the drone was never designed to do anything like this.

So, I will start looking for something used that I might pick up reasonably to play with.
What solution do you spray the moss with. It doesn’t require any scrubbing afterwards?

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