Post processing "process" for Mac users - help

Jul 1, 2014
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Back from vacation and I have about 15 folders in my GoPro's DCIM folder from my shooting over the past week. What is the most efficient/effective way to get all of that media into one spot to begin putting a project together? I connected my cam to my MBP and opened finder.....there is one folder that has 993 images in it and I only want to select about 700 of them yet it appears I can't hold shift key down and select a range of files. Do you just dump everything from the camera to your MBP and begin from there? Am I missing a step or steps? Appreciate the help in advance.
At first I tried the GoPro software, but the output was .MOV and I guess the latest Macs can't run it (as far as I know).

So I ended up going with what I usually do.

For time lapse dump = image capture into a folder then compile with zeitraffer.

For regular photos = Lightroom.

It was pretty late last night, but I noticed there was a little lock when I imported from my GoPro on image capture.. so i guess if you're going to filter some photos out.. it'll have to be via phone app I suppose or download everything and go from there.
If you are talking Video then FCPX has a great facility which allows you to import just the segments you want direct from the memory card. So, if you only need 30 secs out of a 5 min shot you don't clog your hard drive up with useless footage.

If you are talking Photos then my preference is for Photoshop. Either buy an older copy outright or get the latest version on subscription for about $12 a month. Make sure you get Adobe Bridge 6 with the bundle which has GoPro lens correction. I haven't worked with Lightroom but suspect it too will offer what you want and more besides.
GoPro Studio handles time-lapse nicely. Just import the folder, it recognizes each separate time-lapse based on GoPros number system and creates the appropriate grouping. Then use the advance setting to size, proportion, elimination of fisheye, frame rate and quality. Set your in and out points and click convert. Not sure how the quality of the end result compares to other software applications, but it works easily.

For video, GoPro studio works easily too and it's FREE. I have FCPX and still use GoPro Studio every so often.

Yes, since "Mavericks" Macs handle MOV files "funny" seems to convert them for some reason. Personally, I've been using QuickTime Pro the paid version. I just drag anything that GoPro makes onto the QuickTime Pro (QuickTime Player 7) icon and it plays it. It also can make movies of time-lapse still photos, rapidly too. I often use it to experiment with different frame rates since it makes the movies so fast.

A side note: I practice a bit of voodoo with my GoPros. I never plug them directly into a computer. The memory card is removed and placed in a card reader or into an adapter and then placed into the laptop and files moved to the internal hard drive or an external. I don't want the computer "telling" my GoPro anything that may lead to a freeze up of the GoPro at some inopportune time. Voodoo, like I said.

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