Oklahoma state bill would let property owners shoot down drones

Ladies and Gentlemen, especially those of you in Oklahoma, you need to take this seriously and get to work fighting this onerous legislation.
During the Louisiana Legislative Session last year we had THREE bills introduced by a state Senator all with similar language to the Oklahoma bill. Myself and a couple other pilots as well as the Louisiana Forestry Association fought these bills tooth and nail for the whole duration of the session, that being three months. I spent countless hours writing letters and emails to the committee members who were reviewing the bills before they came up for vote on the Senate and House floors, to the Senate leaders and the House leaders as well as some personal contacts with my local representative in the House. We ended up winning, but it was hard work and time consuming. But it was worth it. I can go to work and don't have to worry about somebody "thinking" they have the right to "destroy" my drone with no consequences.

Don't assume that the rest of your state legislators will see this bill for what it really is. They won't!!! They don't spend any time analyzing all the bills that they have to vote on. These bills can move quickly through the process or get stalled, appear dead and then all of a sudden be resurrected.

Get your act together, be professional, find out where the bill is in the process. Contact your local senator and your representative and have a meeting with him or her. Find out who the members are on the committees. Get others involved, the Farm Bureau, Cattleman's association any other farmer's association, realtor's associations. They've all got lobbyists who know who and how to get things done on the inside. If these kinds of bills get passed, it will affect a lot of people who will be using drones if they aren't already.

Get off your butts and quit making emotional comments and conjecturing and fight this bill with the facts. Watch for news articles on the internet about these bills. Then comment on the articles with the facts. In communicating with your legislators be polite but firm.

Here is where you can get all the information you need about the Oklahoma State Legislature
Oklahoma Legislature - Home Page

If there is anyone of you from Oklahoma brave enough to take on this battle, you can send me a personal message, and I'll send you a copy of the first letter I wrote to help you get started.
BTW the letter includes the citation for the Federal Code that states that the FAA has total exclusive sovereignty over all ALL airspace in the U. S.

Get serious, because this is serious business, and get on with it.

The rest of ya'all better start watching what your state legislators are considering. It's going to pop up again.

Born, raised and educated in Oklahoma, and proud of it.
What the FAA needs to do whenever idiots plan such nonsense is to publicly, very publicly, tell the state that no matter what they do with these laws if someone shoots down a drone they will be prosecuted by the feds as they have jurisdiction.

I suspect that the driving force behind much of this legislation are corporations that don't want Green Piece etc flying drones over there business and catching them doing bad things. The pols, always in the pockets of business, will give them what they want -- the public to be blinded so they can't see what they're doing.

Some years ago, in Texas, an environmental group flew a drone near a large ranch and caught them dumping crap into a stream -- was the rancher prosecuted, ah, no, in fact within a couple weeks the local government enacted legislation to band drones over business. This is how it goes.

Some years ago, in Texas, an environmental group flew a drone near a large ranch and caught them dumping crap into a stream -- was the rancher prosecuted, ah, no, in fact within a couple weeks the local government enacted legislation to band drones over business. This is how it goes.


That sucks big time , now it's ok to dump in the rivers again after so many years of band.... ;(
What the FAA needs to do whenever idiots plan such nonsense is to publicly, very publicly, tell the state that no matter what they do with these laws if someone shoots down a drone they will be prosecuted by the feds as they have jurisdiction.

I suspect that the driving force behind much of this legislation are corporations that don't want Green Piece etc flying drones over there business and catching them doing bad things. The pols, always in the pockets of business, will give them what they want -- the public to be blinded so they can't see what they're doing.

Some years ago, in Texas, an environmental group flew a drone near a large ranch and caught them dumping crap into a stream -- was the rancher prosecuted, ah, no, in fact within a couple weeks the local government enacted legislation to band drones over business. This is how it goes.

That was actually a meat processing factory dumping pigs blood into the stream - http://gizmodo.com/5878612/drone-pilot-discovers-river-of-meat-blood
Originally they were charged with felony's for that and other violations but surprise, surprise, they were dropped because one of the agencies "mishandled things" - Felony cases dropped against Oak Cliff slaughterhouse on pig blood | Dallas | Dallas News
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Interesting side note of the State Rep that introduced bill to shoot at drones.
He has been stripped of all powers because of...... 'an incident with a minor'

Oklahoma lawmakers suspend Shortey for 'disorderly behavior'

I was tempted to like your post but it would be a bit weird liking a post about child abuse sooo...

And with a name like "Shortey" his proclivities are almost spelled out ... in prison they refer to pedo's as "short eyes"...

This is a politician trying to get his name out in the open, must be election time,we all know that local can't superceid

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