Is it possible to fly in this UK village?

Jun 2, 2017
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Hello there. I currently don't have any drones but I have ideas for drone photography. I've been commissioned to photographically document a small village. I thought a drone could be an interesting way to do so. But in order to do so I would need a few things.

- Drone (Probably Phantom as its for stills)
- Go through one of those weekend away training programs
- CAA permission license thing. I'm sketchy on that but as its near congested zones I'd need to be fully CAA licensed up?

I'm not entirely sure how much that'll all cost but I guess a bundle of cash. The budget isn't there for my client to pay so I'd be looking at this as a step on the road to being an ace drone photographer.

So like I said, it is documenting a small village. There's lots of green space there. Using Apple Maps I think there are enough areas where I could fly a drone straight up and get some photos of the area. I assume I can't fly over roads, houses, etc and I have to stay 50m away from buildings. I think there's just enough space to do something here.

Here's a screenshot from Apple Maps. Do you think this idea is possible to do? I won't drop the cash unless I can do this the correct safe approved way.

FYI it is class D airspace.

I assume you dont want to recreate the picture.......
I think you have already worked out what to do and how much it is likely to cost, part can be passed onto the client, if you are a business then claiming vat back can help
Best to tell the client what limitations there will be, height, distance etc, see if he is willing to accept them
Lots of open spaces so should be easy to fly, just schedule for when the kids are at school. Be prepared for pedestrians wanting to know what you are doing, bring it down, show them the screen, take it up and show them how close it needs to be to get a decent picture, explain privacy, maybe print some leaflets off with comments and links
You wont please everyone
It will make a great addition to your portfolio and should open up other areas of work
Good luck
Thanks :) I wouldn't be recreating the picture no. It'd be closer photos showing the architectural features of the village from a new angle.

The main thing really is that there's enough space there for me to commercially fly for a client and at the moment I don't even own a drone so if its possible I'm tempted to do so. I have to go from 0 to 100 but there's no point if I can't commercially fly there.
To do anything commercially you need to get your PfCO -(Permission for Commercial Operation)- from the CAA. That will involve going on a course with a recognised provider, and will cost between £1000 and £1500.
PFCO, drone and accessories and you are circa £3000 out of pocket, if you are thinking a long term business opportunity then OK, but for a one off commission, maybe not so good. But at least you get a new hobby.
Long term I'm thinking its good for architecture, when possible. Sure I'd love to pop a drone up by a building and get some photos but I know that's realistically not safe.

For now, if I can use it on this commission safely and legally then I'm certainly tempted.
You could always get someone with PfCO to do it for you. ( ps I'll stick my hand up)
Yesterday someone walked into my studio to personally reply to this thread. I'm sorry but googling information on me, walking through the security gate and opening the closed door to my studio without even knocking first is simply not cool.

I have a secure studio space. I'm a commercial photographer. I don't have a high street studio for passing trade. I'm sorry if that's how my website seemed but that's not what I do. I take meetings not passers by.

There are many other ways you could have started a conversation with me. Replying here. Email. Tweet. Facebook.

Seriously not cool.

You could always get someone with PfCO to do it for you. ( ps I'll stick my hand up)

As I explained to the guy yesterday, I'm doing the photography. This is what I do. Thank you but not for me.
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