CS Will not share flight records with DJI.

Sep 24, 2017
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I searched and couldn't find what I was looking for for an answer. But then I might not be the best search guy.

so I have crystal sky attached to Wi-Fi signal is good all is well there.

so when I select share flight records with DJI in other words upload them. It starts I get the percentage bar because up to 100% I think everything is going to be fine and then it says flight records failed.

So the other part is I am very green with crystal sky I just got it last week and have flown quite a few flights with it I like it but I want to take those records and share them to DJI so that I can also get those over to Air data.com as I'm a paid membership over there. I've got some battery issues I'm trying to track down and so I need to get that over there to air it out as quickly as I can thanks.
I'm not sure what it is… But I was able to join my Wi-Fi back at home. I was in Atlanta over the weekend. Once I joined my Wi-Fi back at home everything worked just fine.

I stayed at one of the Marriott hotels down there, and usually their Wi-Fi is spot on and fast. So I haven't got a clue as to why it wouldn't work. But it did when I got back home.
Got it to work. I assumed that since my CS monitor loaded my AIRDATA token with Go 4, that it would do likewise with Litchi. Nope. Had to re-enter my token with the Litchi App. Seems to be working correctly now.
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