What would you do

While I understand the comments about flying over people, the bigger question is, did you have permission to be there?

I have flown at a classic car show, with permission, and while it can be difficult to not fly over folks, it can be limited. They were informed it would be there. I walked under it so that nobody else could, while flying.

However, over people or not, those are suggestions, not laws.

Not condoning but the penalty should not be the destruction of his property.

If this individual is not held accountable for damaging the property of another it is a bad precedence.

The fact it is a quad copter (drone to the media), is property of someone and he will think it it acceptable to do it again in the future.

We need to follow rules, but those against these flying machine should not be able to randomly damage them without consequences, either.

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I too thought you were a little too close but the moron was the one who endangered the crowd by his actions. Moral of this story, if you shoot at a
high resolution you can crop and still maintain a safe distance and thus avoid
a situation that would enable the missing link in the congregation an opportunity to demonstrate his low intelligence.
No one should be throwing anything at a drone ever. But flying that close to people without prior permission and a safety briefing is irresponsible and dangerous. And while some people might have been OK with it, others clearly were not.

For anything like this, you need to work with the organizers beforehand.

Note: This thread is not specific to the P3 and is being moved to the General section where it belongs.
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If a jaywalker is hit by a drunk driver, does eithers actions excuse the others?
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Since the FAA considers a 'Drone' as Aircraft he (theoretically) could be in a lot of trouble, on a Federal level, for intentionally interfering with the operation of an Aircraft. Make sure he is aware of that.

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Since the FAA considers a 'Drone' as Aircraft he (theoretically) could be in a lot of trouble, on a Federal level, for intentionally interfering with the operation of an Aircraft. Make sure he is aware of that.

Since the FAA considers a drone an aircraft, the OP could equally be in a lot of trouble for breaking a number of FARs. I wouldn't go down that route.
This is no different than someone damaging someone's car or other personal property. I'd call the police and file a report, press charges too...

Whether you were flying legally or not makes no difference. He damaged personal property. Two wrongs don't make a right. They are two separate issues to be dealt with.

I had my P3A at a local polar bear swim event and some asshat
decided to throw a snowball or chunk of ice at it causing it to crash from
20-30 ft , there are cracks in the landing gear and the shell looks a little deformed where the seam is (between the top and bottom of the shell) . you can see the guy in the footage as the P3A is crashing.He has a green tumbler.
I caught up with him and he tried denying it , I finally got him to admit it and took a picture of his licence and got his phone number.he said he would pay for the damage. Now he is blowing me off what should i do.
here is the iPad video:

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I've gotta go with the general consensus here. Not about to get into the safety legalities in any way but the key rule of thumb is not to get into anybody's face or attract undue attention in any way. Don't ever assume people share your love for the hobby or enjoy having their picture taken. Be respectful and suss out every possible scenario before you launch your flight plan.
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Hate to break it to you guys, but unless this guy admits to the police he was the person who knocked it out of the sky, there is nothing they can do.

The cops will cross their T's and dot their I's and make contact with him. But if he denies he did it, the cops will say "ok, thanks for your time." That's the reality of the situation. Knowing and proving are two different things in court.

I suspect the OP won't file a report anyway. He would've already done it if he was going to. I'm sure he realizes he made a mistake here too by flying over the crowd like that.

I'd like to know what happened immediately after the crash. Did the OP immediately confront the guy? What was the crowds reaction?
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popcoen shake.gif
Holy ****! All these lawyers now giving advise. You aren't going to be able to sue him unless you have a lawyer or really know the process thru the civil system. I say this as I know how this would go. Work it out with this guy. Be civil and reasonable!! Exhaust all your efforts first! Again don't threaten to sue, because really sue for what . Be professional, ask him to pay you for exactly what you need. If he refuses then it is what it it is. Filing a police report now, you can but should of been done when it happened period!
Some good and some ridiculous points. Whether or not it was a good idea, broke rules, or whatever flying near or over a crowd of people is completely separate from someone damaging his personal property. Some of you make it sound like, "Well you were breaking the law/rule about flying around people OR you didn't have a approval to fly over this event so anything that happens is fair game". So far from reality.

Thats like saying if you are caught speeding and a cop beats your *** its okay because you were breaking the law. Really? If that happened to any of you, would you think you deserved it because you were breaking the law and would do nothing? Yeah right, sure you would..

I do agree with some points; Unless the OP got some witnesses to corroborate his story OR the guy confessed to the crime in writing or video, its going to be "he said/she said". As stated the cops are just going interview then leave. I also wonder why the OP didn't just call the cops to begin with. And why contact the perp and threaten legal action? Just call the cops in this case.

Also seeking legal action in the form of a lawsuit would go to Small Claims court (if in the US). Thing is, he's going to run into the same problem as he did with the cops. No witnesses, no confession, no evidence, no case.

Good thing I wasn't in the OP's shoes cause I'd have resolved the issue right then and there one way or another...
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Holy ****! All these lawyers now giving advise. You aren't going to be able to sue him unless you have a lawyer or really know the process thru the civil system. I say this as I know how this would go. Work it out with this guy. Be civil and reasonable!! Exhaust all your efforts first! Again don't threaten to sue, because really sue for what . Be professional, ask him to pay you for exactly what you need. If he refuses then it is what it it is. Filing a police report now, you can but should of been done when it happened period!

You have probably never been through the Small Claims Court process. It is designed for this exact type of situation. You are NOT supposed to need a lawyer. Working it out is always a better option, but the OP has already indicated the guy is blowing him off. Small claims Court seems the only option left for restitution.

Thats like saying if you are caught speeding and a cop beats your *** its okay because you were breaking the law. Really? If that happened to any of you, would you think you deserved it because you were breaking the law and would do nothing? Yeah right, sure you would..

Small Claims court can be funny. The judges (mediators in some places) have discretion. They often make decisions in "he said/she said" situations like this. If they had a bias against drones and thought the OP was acting in an unsafe or illegal manner, that could influence their decision as it might make the OP less credible in their eyes. Without solid proof who did it, it is all a judgement call on who is telling the truth.

Regardless of how it may/may not affect a small claims decision, it could land the OP in hot water. Using your speeding example... I have seen several minor car accidents where the police issued tickets to one or both parties. A more relevant example would be if you blew a stop sign and someone threw a rock at your car. When you call the police and admit to blowing the sign, you shouldn't be surprised if you get a ticket.

The point is that _IF_ you are doing something punishable under law and you file a police report or go to a court and admit to breaking that law, there is a good chance that you will be punished for that infraction.

I have no idea if the OP broke any enforceable rules, but it is something he should consider if he wants to follow the legal route.
Okay fine you did a better job of making my point than I did! ;) :)

You have probably never been through the Small Claims Court process. It is designed for this exact type of situation. You are NOT supposed to need a lawyer. Working it out is always a better option, but the OP has already indicated the guy is blowing him off. Small claims Court seems the only option left for restitution.

Small Claims court can be funny. The judges (mediators in some places) have discretion. They often make decisions in "he said/she said" situations like this. If they had a bias against drones and thought the OP was acting in an unsafe or illegal manner, that could influence their decision as it might make the OP less credible in their eyes. Without solid proof who did it, it is all a judgement call on who is telling the truth.

Regardless of how it may/may not affect a small claims decision, it could land the OP in hot water. Using your speeding example... I have seen several minor car accidents where the police issued tickets to one or both parties. A more relevant example would be if you blew a stop sign and someone threw a rock at your car. When you call the police and admit to blowing the sign, you shouldn't be surprised if you get a ticket.

The point is that _IF_ you are doing something punishable under law and you file a police report or go to a court and admit to breaking that law, there is a good chance that you will be punished for that infraction.

I have no idea if the OP broke any enforceable rules, but it is something he should consider if he wants to follow the legal route.
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Hello folks, I'm just looking at this logically, since the new laws and rules came out for drones. I know this pilot is mad over his damage. But I would advise him to move on, and I'm not a lawyer. I'm still dumbfounded why folks fly these machines in areas not allowed. Why did he not just keep his bird up high and way out where no one can be harmed or get mad.
I see more fools out there flying these birds as if a common toy. Im a p3 pilot and if was there, I would have ask him why you are so close to folks.
If I was the judge, I would have the guy pay for damage, if he can prove it, and I would fine the pilot for illegal flying. I would get two birds with one stone. I know it's hard not to fly around people and things. But these birds are so amazing you sometimes can't help it.
So I would just move on, you have read the stories in here. You know the rules..

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File a report and go from there. Regardless of if you were allowed or not allowed to fly there or you were over a crowd or you ate too much chili or drank too much soda is irrelevant [emoji3]. He purposely threw an object at your property and damaged it. Simple as that. All you have to do is go to your local PD and ask. I can 100% guarantee that is that was me flying and someone threw something and made my drone go down, I would have gone straight to the police after I found out the information you got from the guy. Plus you have him on tape doing it!!!

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Plus you have him on tape doing it!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can't see the guy throwing it just whatever it was that was thrown .
Am I missing him ?

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