we want the miniOSD to display GPS long Lat

Jul 15, 2013
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The new generation of FPV goggles will have integrated DVr ... unfortunately the DJI MiniOsd displays information less important like
azimuth , speed etc etc ... We need a pc configurable IOSD to disable the unnecessary data on screen plus a GPS Lat LOn.. this will save us from loading the Phantom with a heavy gps Tracker.... in case you drop it ... just replay the video from the goggles and see the last gps position .....

copy from the FatShark webpage specifications of the new HD gogles "

A DVR was built in not for the enjoyment of watching movies but for the purpose of recording the video down link and telemetry data to help with lost model recovery "
Agree. GPS coords, ability to switch between feet and meters, signal strength, etc.
I totally agree. I can't imagine this would be that hard to program into the iOSD assistant and would be a massive help. I don't have a DVR with my BP right now but would make a point to purchase one if it meant skipping the extra weight (and monthy cost) of a decent GPS tracker.
manosmanoli said:
this will save us from loading the Phantom with a heavy gps Tracker.... in case you drop it ... just replay the video from the goggles and see the last gps position .....

While I certainly agree that the iOSD's should display GPS info as well as RSSI, etc, keep in mind that one of the big benefits of having a separate tracking device is that it would theoretically keep working even if the Phantom loses power or keeps flying beyond the range of the FPV signal.
OI Photography said:
manosmanoli said:
this will save us from loading the Phantom with a heavy gps Tracker.... in case you drop it ... just replay the video from the goggles and see the last gps position .....

While I certainly agree that the iOSD's should display GPS info as well as RSSI, etc, keep in mind that one of the big benefits of having a separate tracking device is that it would theoretically keep working even if the Phantom loses power or keeps flying beyond the range of the FPV signal.

if it looses power it goes down if it goes down it falls vertical down .. meaning that playing the video again on the googles or the dvr it will still show you the last position of the drone. ... if it flyes beyond the range of the fpv signal then obviously you will try to gain some hight verticaly up to get the signal back or you will just bring it home since you have no way of controling it anymore :)
manosmanoli said:
if it looses power it goes down if it goes down it falls vertical down .. meaning that playing the video again on the googles or the dvr it will still show you the last position of the drone. ...

Assuming that it stays put where it lands. A tracker will keep going even it's picked up/moved.

manosmanoli said:
if it flyes beyond the range of the fpv signal then obviously you will try to gain some hight verticaly up to get the signal back or you will just bring it home since you have no way of controling it anymore :)

Unless it decides to just fly off on its own and ignores your control input and range...which is exactly what seems to happen in most of the true "flayaways"

Either way, I wouldn't want to rely on the Phantom's own systems and battery to report location well enough to track it in many of the scenarios in which it could go missing.
I sure wouldn't mind lat/long on the iosd mini, but in suspect it would be of limited use for most flyers and for its intended purpose. It would really only be useful if you are dvr'ing the fpv view; I assume that's a pretty small percentage of users. I wouldn't complain if there was more configurability in the OSD assistant of course; I'm the type of person who would prefer to have a wall of data on screen,even if it obscures completely the fpv view :)
ElGuano said:
I sure wouldn't mind lat/long on the iosd mini, but in suspect it would be of limited use for most flyers and for its intended purpose. It would really only be useful if you are dvr'ing the fpv view; I assume that's a pretty small percentage of users. I wouldn't complain if there was more configurability in the OSD assistant of course; I'm the type of person who would prefer to have a wall of data on screen,even if it obscures completely the fpv view :)

Yo dawg, I heard you like to DVR your BVR...
OI Photography said:
ElGuano said:
I sure wouldn't mind lat/long on the iosd mini, but in suspect it would be of limited use for most flyers and for its intended purpose. It would really only be useful if you are dvr'ing the fpv view; I assume that's a pretty small percentage of users. I wouldn't complain if there was more configurability in the OSD assistant of course; I'm the type of person who would prefer to have a wall of data on screen,even if it obscures completely the fpv view :)

Yo dawg, I heard you like to DVR your BVR...

LOL, I heard you like some OSD on you're OSD!

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