Warming up time before no jerk video?

Nov 10, 2015
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I have to wait about 1 to 2 min before I get jerk free video from P3P after just turning on craft. Is this normal? Video is great after that. Is this a problem?
I have to wait about 1 to 2 min before I get jerk free video from P3P after just turning on craft. Is this normal? Video is great after that. Is this a problem?
I haven't experienced that issue--

What are your FW versions, go app version and device versions.

How did you set your P3 up-- did you do any IMU and gimbal calibrations after you took it out of the box.
What is your experience level?

Cheers, welcome to the forum.:):)
Do a COLD imu calabration and that will fix your problem.
I've done a imu calibration. What is a cold imu calibration? Only had the drone for one month.
Cool the P3 off by sitting it is a cold or cool place-- maybe outside this time of the year and get it cold. Then do the imu calibration in side while it is cold.
Cool the P3 off by sitting it is a cold or cool place-- maybe outside this time of the year and get it cold. Then do the imu calibration in side while it is cold.
Just to add.. do the calibration immediately the moment you turn on the phantom.
After doing the recommended cold imu calibration I now have no wait time on either ios or android devices.
I have to wait about 1 to 2 min before I get jerk free video from P3P after just turning on craft. Is this normal? Video is great after that. Is this a problem?
I too have noted this issue after upgrading to the new FW. It takes about 2 minutes but it performs well, no problem noted so far. I'm too lazy to do IMU calibration.
After doing the recommended cold imu calibration I now have no wait time on either ios or android devices.
isn't this what you were looking for.
when i did the latest firmware up date i started getting aircraft warming up in the center box at top of screen.'this didn't happen before the update.
i did the cold imu calabration and now i do not get the aircraft warming up notification
guess it worked.
phantom is all good now
I too have noted this issue after upgrading to the new FW. It takes about 2 minutes but it performs well, no problem noted so far. I'm too lazy to do IMU calibration.
come on get off your lazy butt and do the cold imu calabration and use the two minutes that you are waiting for a/c to warm up for flying.
I too have noted this issue after upgrading to the new FW. It takes about 2 minutes but it performs well, no problem noted so far. I'm too lazy to do IMU calibration.
So am I , but I got tired of waiting for the signal to connect, so I stuck it in the freezer for five minutes, took it out and did the IMU and solved that issue. Now it connects QUICK.. Took 10 minutes tops, including the cool off process.
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Is this bit of cold imu trickery good for the system though? Is it actually stealing time to get a properly warmed up imu and craft before flying in cold temperatures? I can wait 2 minutes for a warm up to fly in 32 degree temperature conditions if that's actually better for the craft overall. Any solid answer on this, or am I thinking wrong.?
There's no evidence to prove that a "cold" IMU calibration is any different than a normal one. The manual does not mention anything about cold IMU calibration. Stop spreading misinformation.
I don't think it's misinformation. People who do a cold imu are definitely seeing short warm up times. I question whether it's a good thing to do for the system, when you're gonna fly in cold temperatures.
There's no evidence to prove that a "cold" IMU calibration is any different than a normal one. The manual does not mention anything about cold IMU calibration. Stop spreading misinformation.
Yes there is evidence-- a cold IMU calibration will speed up the connection time and it is not misinformation. It is factual information -- read the threads regarding this "misinformation" on this forum and as many other forums that you would care to check. There may not be any "scientific data backing that up but I can assure you that it does help. I have never seen a post complaining that this caused any issues.
Yes there is evidence-- a cold IMU calibration will speed up the connection time and it is not misinformation. It is factual information -- read the threads regarding this "misinformation" on this forum and as many other forums that you would care to check. There may not be any "scientific data backing that up but I can assure you that it does help. I have never seen a post complaining that this caused any issues.
It IS misinformation. Someone posted it and it got spread as truth. There is no evidence to support it at all. If it was true don't you think the engineers at DJI would have told us so? Think about it.

Someone probably thought it funny as Aprils fool and it worked.
It IS misinformation. Someone posted it and it got spread as truth. There is no evidence to support it at all. If it was true don't you think the engineers at DJI would have told us so? Think about it.

Someone probably thought it funny as Aprils fool and it worked.
Ok in your opinion it is misinformation and in my opinion it is not misinformation-- we will just have to agree to disagree and let the readers and posters make up their own minds. No DJI does not tell us everything-- that is pretty evident. Cheers :):)
I can see some fool putting his Phantom in the fridge because he believe this crap lol :D
I can see some fool putting his Phantom in the fridge because he believe this crap lol :D
Read the threads, there must be a lot of fools on this forum-- but I dont think I want to call them fools, Most of them know their P3's and how to make them fly.

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