Taking a break from my Phantom's. Custom build. Please help.

Mar 27, 2014
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Hey everyone. What's up and how's it going?

I own a Phantom 2 NV and a Phantom 2 Vision. I've been playing with them for quite some time now. The last few days I have been getting kind of bored with them to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I love my Phantom's. I just need a break. I want to build my own. I have a lot of time on my hands and I would like something bigger. I wish I could afford the S800 EVO. I'd just buy that.

This is what I've come up with so far. Could someone please take a look at my list and let me know if there is something I can do to make it better? Or, just any kind of advice would be helpful!

This is what I've come up with.

Frame: 1x - Tarot-Frame-T960
Flight Control: 1x - DJI-Acc-Naza-M-V2
Motor: 6x - Tarot-Motor-4114-320kv
ESC: 6x - Hobbywing-Acc-HW-30A-OPTO-ESC-B-Type
Props: 3x - 2pkg, 15" Airy-Propeller-LM-0029
Battery: 2x - 22.2V 5000mah or 1x 10000mah
Transmitter & Receiver: 1x - Futaba-Acc-T8J

What's the difference between A & B type ESC's? Do I need three A's and three B's?

I want the NAZA M V2 for sure. I plan on adding the iPad Ground Station, iOSD when the build is finished.

Thanks fellow DJI flyers!

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