Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety item?

Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

The only issues I've ever had with prop guards were with third-party props and/or third party guards. Third party guards have incorrect pitch, and can be in dangerous proximity to the props. Third party props are too flexible. Either one can easily result in contact in flight.

You did not specify if you were using DJI for both (or neither) but if you were, I disagree with your assumptions about wind being a contributing factor at those kinds of marginal speeds. I've never had a single in incident with OEM guards and props in any wind conditions.
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

I bought DJI prop guards and agree with the OP's opinion. I had a similar experience.
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

I've never understood why people have the prop guards in the first place. The add weight and do nothing.
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

I respectfully disagree.

I've flown on windy days (10-15 mph) and have not had any problems. I like the prop guards for the very few "wobbly" landings where the Phantom may tip to one side because the ground is just slightly uneven.

I like the looks with the guards. I also have the front guards painted so I can more easily see the craft's orientation from further away.

I've noticed a just over 2 minute battery difference on a test with them, versus without. (2 different, DJI fully charged batteries, hovering 20' up, until low voltage warnings)

Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

I too use DJI prop guards with safety strings.... I have never had a issue using them other than less battery life. I went with them after seeing the phantom /manican video on utube and have never taken them off. My phantom has those and the 102 style GPS tracker on it and I get about 17 minutes flight time. Plenty of time for my needs which are stills only.
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

How close to people are you talking? I'd be staying away from people unless you want a lawsuit.
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

ITS amazing to me is how many people swore up and down that they wouldn't fly with out them and now its the worst thing in the world . do people just go off every time something doesn't go their way and everyone else is to blame . i would really like to find an advanced user forum so i wouldn't have to hear the same arguments every day . :roll:
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

Flying around people is asking for issue's. With or without the guards.
There can always go something wrong and injure a bystander who didn't ask for a phantom crashing on them.
If you really want to show of your toy buy a RC tank or car.
Thats my idea of phantom use.
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

JamesD said:
I respectfully disagree.

I've flown on windy days (10-15 mph) and have not had any problems. I like the prop guards for the very few "wobbly" landings where the Phantom may tip to one side because the ground is just slightly uneven.

I like the looks with the guards. I also have the front guards painted so I can more easily see the craft's orientation from further away.

I've noticed a just over 2 minute battery difference on a test with them, versus without. (2 different, DJI fully charged batteries, hovering 20' up, until low voltage warnings)

I've only had one case of control loss (rapid loss of altitude specifically) with my Phantom so far, and I don't know if it was due to the prop guards or a loose battery connection causing a low voltage alert despite 70% battery (Friends standing next to me said they thought they heard beeping when it happened)

If not for the prop guards, I would've ran out of props within a week or two. Lots of tipovers on landing. Also, in the above situation - My Phantom bounced off of the grass with no damage (it was above a fairly steep hill, so the prop guards actually hit the ground.)
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

ToThePoint said:
Flying around people is asking for issue's. With or without the guards.
There can always go something wrong and injure a bystander who didn't ask for a phantom crashing on them.
If you really want to show of your toy buy a RC tank or car.
Thats my idea of phantom use.

+1 Everytime you see a quadcopter of any kind being shown off its behind a very big netted enclosure for a reason. If you want to show off keep it well away from people. The laws will be coming fast if they arent already where you live but most countries that do have regulations say at least 50m away from people. And thats a sensible guideline to go by. Prop protectors are nothing more than a security blanket for nervous flyers.
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

I flew without them for the first couple months before I got sick of replacing props. Also saw this video with

and it sold me on their effectiveness in not only saving props but also saving the craft from what would normally be an instant crash. Yes they do create more drag (doesn't take a rocket or quad-copter scientist to figure that out) so I was more careful not to let it get too far downwind on more windy days. I've never had a situation where out of the blue the wind caused my prop-guard-equipped craft to go into any kind of uncontrolled wobble. I did have a Vortex Ring State issue once with them when I was descending, but I've also had that happen to a much larger extent on one occasion prior to getting the guards. And yes if my craft were to lose control and somehow end up force-landing itself into a building, tree, rock, car or person, I think the rest for all involved would be better with them on.

That said, if I'm flying over the great wide open, like out on the ice or over a big field, I would probably choose to go without them. It's kind of a personal preference thing, don't know why people get so bent out of shape about them or feel the need to call those who choose to use them newbies or nervous. I don't consider myself either.
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

vyoufinder said:
Mal_PV2_Ireland said:
ToThePoint said:
Flying around people is asking for issue's. With or without the guards.
There can always go something wrong and injure a bystander who didn't ask for a phantom crashing on them.
If you really want to show of your toy buy a RC tank or car.
Thats my idea of phantom use.

+1 Everytime you see a quadcopter of any kind being shown off its behind a very big netted enclosure for a reason. If you want to show off keep it well away from people. The laws will be coming fast if they arent already where you live but most countries that do have regulations say at least 50m away from people. And thats a sensible guideline to go by. Prop protectors are nothing more than a security blanket for nervous flyers.

Showing off? I don't see any mention of anyone showing off. If having people in the shot is "showing off" then your definition of showing off and mine are much different. Were DJI folks showing off when they shot video of BMX, motocross, etc? Where's the net? Did you miss those vids? If you did miss those videos, the ones where DJI photogs are "showing off" as you say (people in shots) then I also have to wonder why they are not using prop guards themselves.

And hence you are in defense and taking situations to try and justify your " Flying around people " kinda stuff.
For one, on the events you mention the participants are aware what is going on.
What you sayed in the opening comment was something like this "i go to the park to play with my toy. If by any chance a exited kind runs around chasing the bird i feel full of rejoice and it will cores my ego because i am the big man. And if by any chance the bird goes out of control and pops that kids eye out to leave that kid blind for the rest of there life, well then its there issue because i wanted to flight were there are people.
" The man separates from the boy by the price of there toys isn't it ?
So get your act together. You can't convince me to fly around were people are . That attitude is going to be the main reason lawmakers are going to ban drone !
Re: Prop Guards are DANGEROUS - Why being hailed as safety i

English is not my primary language. Please explain in simple words what "teeter-totter crash mode" means?

EDIT: I found "teeter-totter" in wikipedia.

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