Phantom V1.1.1 + Upgrade Board + Zenmuse H3-2D

Dec 3, 2013
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Is there anyone who knows where to find a diagram of how to install v1.1.1 Naza2 with the board upgrade to the H3-2D? All I can find are examples of the Gimbal going in with a PMU and no board upgrade? Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated
Its actual simpler to do as you do not have to install the GCU. The 8 pin ribbon connects directly to the upgrade board and that is all.
I have the Phantom (1.1.1) I do want a gimbal I keep reading nothing but problems with the Zenmuse I do not want to drop $350 on something thats only going to work a few times ..
Is this gimbal a plug and play with the 1.1.1 ? I see there are 2 wires in the grommet under the landing gear not being used ?
Do I need to do any updating to anything on PC ? I run a Mac that is why I am asking ?
Thank You !
750r said:
I have the Phantom (1.1.1) I do want a gimbal I keep reading nothing but problems with the Zenmuse I do not want to drop $350 on something thats only going to work a few times ..
Is this gimbal a plug and play with the 1.1.1 ? I see there are 2 wires in the grommet under the landing gear not being used ?
Do I need to do any updating to anything on PC ? I run a Mac that is why I am asking ?
Thank You !

It is not plug and play with the Phantom 1.1.1. You need to install the upgrade board or a PMU. You do need to update firmware and calibrate using a PC. There is no Mac software.
The wires are power for FPV or whatever.
It is fairly involved to install it and DJI's instructions are outdated and not adequate.
This hobby does not need anything any more plug and play than the Phantom already is! Take some time to learn your aircraft and you'll be better off in the end. As for the Phantom upgrade board, it's eight motor wires to solder and then plugging it all in. While not true plug and play, it's really NOT hard at all. The directions that are included in the upgrade board are totally adequate. They are spot on for where to plug motors in. LED stays in same spot. GPS plugs into new board and new board plugs into GPS slot on NAZA. The point of that is so that NAZA and Zenmuse can share GPS data. As mentioned in other posts, use black wire (8 pin) that came with the gimbal rather than the grey wire (8 pin) that came with the upgrade board.
DiscoDrew said:
This hobby does not need anything any more plug and play than the Phantom already is! Take some time to learn your aircraft and you'll be better off in the end. As for the Phantom upgrade board, it's eight motor wires to solder and then plugging it all in. While not true plug and play, it's really NOT hard at all. The directions that are included in the upgrade board are totally adequate. They are spot on for where to plug motors in. LED stays in same spot. GPS plugs into new board and new board plugs into GPS slot on NAZA. The point of that is so that NAZA and Zenmuse can share GPS data. As mentioned in other posts, use black wire (8 pin) that came with the gimbal rather than the grey wire (8 pin) that came with the upgrade board.

You do realize that their are people on this planet that have never soldered anything in their life. I am sure that because you can means that you feel far superior to those who can't.
As mentioned in the other posts!!? Yea I'm sure all the Phantom users have logged in and read the posts. ROTFLMO.
Why do you say this hobby does not need any more plug and play than the Phantom? Then why did DJi release the Phantom Vision? Oh right. It is only for the unwashed masses who only want to get in the air and gain a new perspective in their videos.
Thankfully DJI does not share your holier than thou attitude and is bringing the joys of aerial photography to everyone.
Do I realize that many people have never soldered before? Of course! However if they want to continue life with never soldering anything, they probably picked the wrong hobby! Sooner or later a motor will need to be changed, an ESC will fail and then you'll have to fix it. Rather than listen to people like you scare them out of doing a SIMPLE task, they can spend $10 on tools, head to YouTube, watch a 10 minute tutorial on soldering and practice on some bare wires. Now they can feel confident with some new life skills that may come in handy somewhere else down the road. I doubt they will feel any more superior when they are done, but maybe a little proud of something new they picked up on.

Same can be said for the $400+ quad copter they bought, there are forums dedicated to it. Seems enough people find them in seeking the help they need with a problem. The info is there for the search too BEFORE they need it too. Not my fault or anyone else's if they can't take the time to search their issues out or read about the common ones before they fly. The answers are out there! Even so, rather than tell someone to search, I try to just answer the problem and help them out.

The Phantom as it sits is pretty plug and play as it is if you ask me. DJI is killing it with what they have brought to the table over the last few years in that regard. However, it's still a V1 (now V2) copter so those that complain about it's difficulty setting up may have gotten to the party a little early. It's very much an early adopter product still that will require a prerequisite of skills to use and maintain. DJI may market it in a pretty white box but it is not an 'it just works' Apple product quite yet. As for not making it any easier... Until the FAA issues some rules, I am more than happy with a slow roll out before that era happens. Just don't want our hobby getting to far out of hand before we get those regulations. If that happens, the party may be over before it ever really gets started.

Anyone has the right to get involved into this hobby, but it's not for everyone either. Do so knowing what you are getting into, from fixing and maintaining to upgrading and flying responsibly. At the end of the day, there is more to all this than some pretty pictures with a GoPro.
I was just asking being that DJI makes it thought maybe they made it little easy and on that note I'm going to get a different gimbal that dose not cost so much . Just because I'm new to DJI and this forum dose not mean I'm clueless on RC air crafts I have a few copters that I built so doing some work to make it work is not a problem . I would think that DJI would send a working unit for the phantom no ether get another pmu or a upgraded board (that should just come with the gimbal) but like any hobby it's all about the money . I asked about the Updating because I have Macs now I'm going to have to get a throw away PC just for the phantom I have had NO reason to hook it up yet I have had no problems for the past 2 months . I know some are hard core know it alls but you have to start somewhere and if you search you do not get a straight fwd. answers forums are made to get help not be called a moron . This is just a past time being I work 50hrs a week just wanted a straight fwd answer and I got it enuf said . Grow up and be a little nicer to greenhorns . Not much info on the phantom I have . Thanks for your time DiscoDrew

Thank You Chubad that's what I wanted to know :D
I meant to reply to that note on the Mac 750r. I use bootcamp on my MBPro and it works just fine. No need to waste money on another computer. Just need a copy of windows and you should be good if you have an Intel mac.
Sony guys I am new at this can you tell me if we can upgrade the existing Phantom 1.1.1 that I own to a phantom 2 vision and with programmable flight
I have a Pantom 1 with upgrade board. How do I connect to the Gimbal to edit the settings?

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