P3 Firmware v1.7.0060

I just updated and found out that one of the extra batteries I had purchased was "non-DJI". Flight is prevented now with such a battery.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
Could you repeat that in Afrikaans so I can better understand?

Do you know my friend Nick du Toit?

Hoekom? Is Nick du Toit ook van Afrika?

Ken jy vir Sarah Palin?
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Appreciate your input but I also read the release notes prior to installing and they give no clue what component level other than the AC you should be at after applying 1.7.60 . The red upgrade msg states you need to upgrade the AC, RC, and camera but only the AC is changed when viewed by the app. I am comfortable the AC and the app are current but is the camera current and the RC @ 1.5.80? Instead of digging thru 14 pages of often conflicting input why couldn't DJI add one simple sentence stating the current AC,RC, App, levels and a method to verify your battery and camera levels?
I updated my p3p. App 2.7.1, FM 1.7, RC?? All went well but now my app does not show a version for the RC. Is this a problem?
Ignore...Just restarted tablet and now all three show. Have also found that uninstalling and reinstalling the GO app can clear some problems (DJI's suggestion).
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Appreciate your input but I also read the release notes prior to installing and they give no clue what component level other than the AC you should be at after applying 1.7.60 . The red upgrade msg states you need to upgrade the AC, RC, and camera but only the AC is changed when viewed by the app. I am comfortable the AC and the app are current but is the camera current and the RC @ 1.5.80? Instead of digging thru 14 pages of often conflicting input why couldn't DJI add one simple sentence stating the current AC,RC, App, levels and a method to verify your battery and camera levels?
You can check and verify your battery was or was not updated. It shows on your LOG_AB file. The LOG_AB file shows "need upgrade" during the version check process if that module has an upgrade available in whichever FW bin is on the SD card at P3 startup. If so, that module is upgraded. If not, no change is made. The LOG_AB file shows the version check of each individual module, then shows if any needed FW update for that module was successful.

Note that the LOG_AB file is a different txt file than you look at for the general overall "success" indication.

If you've done a update, look on your SD card in the following path.
(Some of the folders may be hidden): MISC/LOG/

Then find your LOG_AB file:
P3X_FW_LOG_AB.txt (P3P) or P3S_FW_LOG_AB.txt (P3A).

For example, below is the text from when I updated my P3A from 1.5 to 1.6 which included a battery update that I needed to do on my three batteries. When the battery FW version is checked at startup, the log shows "need upgrade" for module 11 as you can see bolded below in the example. The module 11 check is for the battery. Once I did the initial FW update and then cycled through my two additional batteries, I just checked this log to see that the batteries were indeed updated. A log entry is generated for each battery, so I knew it was done.

The same applies for the other listed modules. If any of them need an update it will show "need upgrade" and then show if that upgrade was successful or not.

[00012379]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00012460]Packet [C:\P3S_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0xa0ce14a2].
[00012531]Packet upgrade start...

[00012609]Packet checking...
[00012687]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00012759]Record vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030 (flow = 0).

[00012910]Version checking[1]...
[00013027][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00013151][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00013227][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00013391][11 00][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.7.15.1 need upgrade.
[00013525][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00013635][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00013759][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00013906][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00013991][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00014234][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00014395][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00014486][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00014559][01 00][00] v1.22.4095 -> v1.22.4095
[00014635][01 01][00] v1.22.4095 -> v1.22.4095
[00014726][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0

[00016875]Waiting for user confirm...
[00026946]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00027098]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00027187][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00074884][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
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Thank you for taking the time to document a method to check the the battery update. After I did the initial update by downloading thru the app I checked the misc/log file but not knowing the module codes it didn't tell me much. In your example if we knew the other module codes shown (3,4,12,15,17,19,01,09) could we assume they were at the latest level because they indicate no need for upgrade? When my first update reflected "success" with no change on the RC I followed the procedure for manual install on this form which recommends formatting the card(destroying any audit trail) and did the manual install which did nothing based on the apps fw display. If I leave the fw .bin file on my card and cycle my batteries and do not see a need upgrade notation in the log file can I then assume my batteries are all at the latest level?
How can I confirm the RC 1.5.80 level is current? And is there a method to confirm my camera has been upgraded because of the implication the camera needs updating in the very first upgrade required message?
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Thank you for taking the time to document a method to check the the battery update.
You're welcome sir.

After I did the initial update by downloading thru the app I checked the misc/log file but not knowing the module codes it didn't tell me much. In your example if we knew the other module codes shown (3,4,12,15,17,19,01,09) could we assume they were at the latest level because they indicate no need for upgrade?
Yes sir. Here is what I think I know about the other modules.
[Click the thumbnail to enlarge the image]
LOG_AB Module Mapping.JPG

If I leave the fw .bin file on my card and cycle my batteries and do not see a need upgrade notation in the log file can I then assume my batteries are all at the latest level?
Yes sir.

How can I confirm the RC 1.5.80 level is current?
All I know for this one is what shows in the app. Sorry.

And is there a method to confirm my camera has been upgraded because of the implication the camera needs updating in the very first upgrade required message?
I don't think there is a single module for the camera. I think there are several items that fall under the "camera" umbrella such as the ambarella chip, the DSP, etc. I'm not 100% sure however. Sorry.
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I just purchased a brand new p3p that has version 1.4.10 installed? I have read mixed reviews about the new firmware and I am uncertain if I should update. Should I update or just keep the 1.4.10 until all of the issues that are reported are resolved?
I think the day they start putting limitations in the software of drones their sales figured DROP drastically and people will just purchase elsewhere.

If Ford decided to put a governor on their vehicles where you couldn't go beyond 50mph, then people would just stop buying Fords. Ford couldn't afford to be this stupid and I would think DJI wouldn't be that stupid either...
I did a full update today. P3A to 1.7, DJI Go (Android) to 2.7.0 and the RC to 1.058. Here was my experience (all good in the end...

DJI Go - updated without issue but had the 4:3 instead of 16:9 viewing issue that most people on Android are experiencing. I was all ready to clear the app cache, uninstall, reboot and reinstall which I have read fixes the issue but I didn't have to. By chance, after setting viewing to 16:9 without anything changing, I switched over to the "about" screen to check my versions and the view switched to 16:9 by itself and so far has stayed there. Weird...

RC - Updated without issue...

P3A - I downloaded the update, unzipped it, copied the .bin to my SD and went to install. Everything started out okay, the gimbal LED was flashing green/red as it should and I had the d-d-d-d tone. Then after a few minutes the LED went solid red and I had a solid not beeping tone. I shut the P3A off, pulled the SD and the install status txt file said the update failed. I deleted the txt and bin file, re-downloaded the zip, copied the bin file over to the SD and then went to update again. The P3A started up as it normally would when not updating. After a few minutes I powered down again, pulled the SD and opened the update status txt file only to see that the update file was the same as the installed version on the P3A so no update was done. Weird again!

I fired everything up as I normally would and checked my versions which were all correct. Everything is at the latest version. BTW... There is no battery update on 1.7...

I haven't taken the P3A out to fly yet (I finished updating at 11:00pm) but everything else seems okay. I won't be able to get out to fly until next weekend and am hoping all will be good!

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
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I think the day they start putting limitations in the software of drones their sales figured DROP drastically and people will just purchase elsewhere.

If Ford decided to put a governor on their vehicles where you couldn't go beyond 50mph, then people would just stop buying Fords. Ford couldn't afford to be this stupid and I would think DJI wouldn't be that stupid either...

sorry to say but it has been done time and time again.
many features and capablilities have been reduced via firmware updates
true on P2 and P3 phantoms.
with out a lot of specifics just look at original speed vs current speed , forward as well as up and down.
NFZ did not exist the day we bought our phantoms for some of us...
its a big list....

so read a bit before assuming.....

take care
good luck and have fun flying!
I've been having it repeatedly bug me about updating the RC firmware, even after I do it and it reports success in doing it.

It originally said the current version was something older than 1.5.80 (don't recall what), and the new was 1.5.80. Now it says the current is 1.5.80 and the new is 1.5.80, so not sure why it thinks it needs an update? It makes me go through the entire download and update process again--I've had to do that three times now (four counting the first legit update).

I've updated DJI Go on both my Android phone and iPad, and also the Phantom firmware. Those updates were successful without any issues. I flew yesterday through 4 batteries with no problems, but I had to do the RC update again in the field which was a pain.

Any ideas?

*** UPDATE ***

Just finished playing around with this again.

It's stopped doing this on my both the Android phone and iPad now. No update notification, and when I look in the RC advanced settings, about, it shows the RC version as 1.5.80. DJI Go version 1.7.60.

The iPad didn't hassle me again. The Android phone made me do another update cycle. It said Current version: 1.5.80 and Download version: 1.5.80. The update started with "Download finished..." but made me do the actual update again. It completed successfully.

This time, I made sure I hit Delete Firmware package after the update completed and before I cycled the RC to clean that up.

Turn off RC, turn back on. Now it says Firmware Version is the latest. I've turned everything off and on a couple of times and it's still happy (with the Android phone).

I wonder if it has anything to do with switching back and forth between the iPad and Android phone? Or maybe deleting the firmware package helped?

Scratching my head, but I'm happy if it stops wanting to be updated again...
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Hi. I've just purchased my P3P and the aircraft fw is 1.1.9 . I read a post earlier that a member wished they could revert back this one because newer versions seemed less stable !? I'm hesitant to upgrade just yet. Any thoughts ?

Also the camera photo quality seems a bit on the soft side ( not greatly sharp ) . Do newer fw versions address the issue ? Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
Many higher-performance cars (not the top end ones, the more consumer performance models) have speed limitations in the ECU firmware. If the car is capable of 180, it may be limited to 140. Not sure if the Mustang GTs do this or not, I'm pretty sure the Shelby GTs don't. This doesn't seem to affect sales, since most consumers of those cars will probably never get much above 100 with them (and even then only once on an open freeway just to say they did :)).

Please note that this is an international forum, so mph is not familiar to many members. I guess you meant 180mph/290kmh and 140mph/225kmh.....
And I must disagree a bit with your point here.
On one side NFZ's are justified indeed, much more in really near vicinity of airports, and pretty exaggerated at the point that at 1,5miles (2,41km) from A category (large intl) airport we are limited to 35 feet (10,6 meters) !!!!
A plane, be it a jet-liner or a small private 2-seater turboprop, at that height and distance (actually, at any hight below few hundred feet) is probably seconds from crash landing and/or disaster, so hitting a small drone on the way to disintegration wouldn't matter anyway..... Although investigators could get off the track as to what cased the incident if they found a 3-axis gimbal pieces inside the remains of pilot's scull....
For those newbies not clear with NFZ walkabouts, here is the visual
and the DJI explanation on Belgian YOU-TU ("youtu.be" - this is a joke, hope you dig it)

As regards to limitations in car industry, think in Europe we have the Autobahn (highway in German, and the name of it) which, in many sections, has no speed limitations. Only recommended speed. You can drive 200mph+ (320kmh+) if you wish, as long as you don't cause an accident or kill someone. If you do, you are f....ed. And funny thing is, there are less accidents there than in many other limited countries.
All other countries in Europe have limitations similar in variety to those in US, ranging from .... ahhh forget it, ....here is the link, check it.....

The point of this? If I live in a country with highest speed limit of 80mph, and I am offered a choice of two cars, one with 80mph max limit, and the other with 130mph, guess which one will I buy....? Yeah, you guess right, the 130mph one. Before you judge me, think of the other guy that bought the 80mph model, a model citizen deprived of free thinking and will, getting pissed of one day by his mother-in-law, driving across the pedestrian crossing just next to the elementary school on busy Monday afternoon at hmm...70-80mph? I know why is what and what can, may or could happen. The other guy....well, maybe he does not.

You made a notion that a mustang buyer may not go over 100mph, but this may be mostly due to lack of driving skills, or feeling unsafe at higher speeds.
Do you believe anyone, literally anyone amongst Phantom users, feels the same fear - flying their bird - at heights a little bit above 35 feet?

The bottom line, where I think in long term limitations WILL affect the sales is the psychological factor of someone/something limiting you. Your freedom of choice
Which is the opposite of basic right of every living thing on this planet - and that is to be free.

Limitations are for primitive societies, but unfortunately, we had, have, and will have some stupid, irresponsible primitives flying at jet-liner approach heights, even more stupid putting videos on youtube etc, who started and are generating this misery for the rest of us....
PS Apologies for going a bit off topic and taking such a long spin....
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I think the day they start putting limitations in the software of drones their sales figured DROP drastically and people will just purchase elsewhere.

If Ford decided to put a governor on their vehicles where you couldn't go beyond 50mph, then people would just stop buying Fords. Ford couldn't afford to be this stupid and I would think DJI wouldn't be that stupid either...

Interesting analogy. Ford actually was "that stupid" and it didn't seem to hurt them.

"Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black." is a quote attributed to Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motors.

When you enjoy a certain market position, you can get away with many limitations on your products, and people will still buy them if they want the basic functionality the product provides.
I just purchased a brand new p3p that has version 1.4.10 installed? I have read mixed reviews about the new firmware and I am uncertain if I should update. Should I update or just keep the 1.4.10 until all of the issues that are reported are resolved?
I'm sticking with 1.4.10 as it was the update that gave us "Intelligent Flight Modes" and it looks like it went downhill after that.

The new modes enabled by the 1.4.10 update are:

  • Waypoints: Record a flight path, then tell your Phantom 3 or Inspire 1 to fly along the same path repeatedly while you control the camera and orientation. Save your favorite missions, customize speed, and more.
  • Point of Interest: Tell your Phantom 3 or Inspire 1 to automatically revolve around a designated object, person, or place in a perfect circle. Automatic and customizable, get shots that only experts could before.
  • Follow Me: Tell your Phantom 3 to follow you, and it automatically flies and keeps you in the camera's view wherever you go. This is not available on the Inspire 1.
  • Home Lock: Customize your flight controls to be relative to you at all times. Flick a switch, and forward/backward and left/right flight will be set in relation to the Home Point.
  • Course Lock: Easily fly along a set path by putting your platform into Course Lock, which sets all flight controls to directions relative to its current heading.
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