New Pro 3 owner

Dec 28, 2015
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Ive been wanting a phantom forever, got a 3 professional for Christmas, Im 42, its the coolest thing ive got since i was 15 and got a nintendo. Ive flown it a dozen times and love it, everybody gathers around and drools all over the video quality. Good stuff!
Ive been wanting a phantom forever, got a 3 professional for Christmas, Im 42, its the coolest thing ive got since i was 15 and got a nintendo. Ive flown it a dozen times and love it, everybody gathers around and drools all over the video quality. Good stuff!
Congrats! Enjoy, it is the coolest thing.
I'm 36 so this means I'll be getting a phantom 6 when I'm 42! :)
Fly safe.
Ive been wanting a phantom forever, got a 3 professional for Christmas, Im 42, its the coolest thing ive got since i was 15 and got a nintendo. Ive flown it a dozen times and love it, everybody gathers around and drools all over the video quality. Good stuff!
Congrats! Enjoy, it is the coolest thing.
I'm 36 so this means I'll be getting a phantom 6 when I'm 42! :)
Fly sa
Funny, the first time I read your sentence I chuckled. I misread it, thought you said you hadn't had this much fun since you were laid.
They are so much fun mate and the picture quality and smoothness is unreal . I started of with a syma, Then got a Parrot then a phantom fc40 then finally a p3 advanced i find myself almost addicted to taking it out every chance I have lol . And I'm lucky enough to live in one of the nicest place in England
I'm 63 and feel like Rumpelstiltskin! Going on day six and I amaze myself everyday with this P3 Pro.
Funny, the first time I read your sentence I chuckled. I misread it, thought you said you hadn't had this much fun since you were laid.
That too lol. Just waiting for a decent spell of weather here in the North of England and off I go with it again.
Congrats! I just bought one as well at 36 and I agree...Most fun I've had since I was a kid. Enjoy!

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