Need help connecting an older 72 MGhz JR receiver to NAZA M

Jul 13, 2014
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I am in the process of assembling my F550 and have hit a bit of a snag with my intended radio system install. I have an older E700 72MHz JR receiver that I would like to use with my F550 to initially get it flying and help me decide what I actually need for functions and features. The JR radio system is from around 2001 and has never even been installed in a model. The problem I am having is the receiver jumper wire plugs which come with the NAZA kit are larger and have key pins which are not compatible with this older JR receiver. This issue has left me with several questions which I hope some of you more knowledgeable builders might be able to answer.

1. Will the older JR 72 MHz radio system even work with the NAZA?
2. If so, are there adapters available so the NAZA jumpers will plug directly into the older JR receiver.
3. If no pre-made adapters are available, does anyone have information about the pin outs and the plug type names so I can make my own adapters?

It might seem silly to try and use this old technology for a new multi-copter but my plan is to only use it for the short term until I figure out exactly what I need. Do I need more than the seven channels offered by the DJI DT7 remote? Do I need/want more than ten channels? Do I need a transmitter capable of flying out to outrageous distances for FPV operation? Am I even going to fly the F550 enough to warrant spending a large sum on a new and fancy radio system? These were all questions I had hoped to answer using the older six channel radio I had sitting around in a box before I spend any more money on getting the F550 up in the air.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Doug M
NW Ontario, Canada
Re: Need help connecting an older 72 MGhz JR receiver to NAZ

Cut the key bits off the cables that come with the Naza and they will then fit in the JR receiver.
You would connect all of the channels you need from the Naza to the JR receiver individually. The pinout is standard servo PWM which your JR receiver supports.
Re: Need help connecting an older 72 MGhz JR receiver to NAZ

Thanks Rilot, I'll give that a try today.

Doug M

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