Litchi missions over mountains - use google earth or Litchi alone?

Aug 23, 2014
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For some time now I have been using google earth to lay out Litchi missions that involve flying around mountains, or anywhere else that involves big changes in elevation. Now I see that Litchi has an "above ground" checkbox option that appears to do the same thing - set the height AGL based on the terrain, not the starting point. Here's that checkbox in the waypoint settings...

This sounds great to me and makes things more convenient, but how well does it work? Does anyone have any experience with this to share? Can I trust the waypoints to be the proper height above the ground below? Thanks!
I use Litchi pretty much exclusively, but have not yet utilized the AGL feature. Just my own rule of thumb so to speak, I always add an additional 25 feet to any "Approximated" altitude, especially when mission planning. I would most likely do the same for the AGL feature. The reason I do this is due to the variations and the lack of precision of the AC Barometer. I have seen them off 30 feet before, and that number fluctuates. It is not exact by any stretch. Just 2 cents worth for you.
BTW here's the sort of mission I would like to switch to using Litchi AGL numbers. This one started out in google earth. Mission Hub - Litchi

Yes I am pretty sure I have line of sight the whole time. Will need it as I am doing manual control over heading and gimbal pitch.
Looked at your mission, post it if you run it, I don't really get the Litchi AGL numbers yet, I got my sequence that has been working, afraid to try new. :eek::rolleyes:

What is your bird?
16 mins on P3's makes me nervous.
Wind kind of messes up your battery time. ;)


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