Litchi & Geo-fencing NFZ...?

Jan 21, 2017
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Will litchi give you geo-fencing warning of NFZ like DJIGO4 will to prevent you from accidently flying or setting up a mission entering in a NFZ which from what I researched will force bird to auto land.?
No, that's a strictly Go feature. Using litchi, you have to do your own checking and use your own judgement just like manned aircraft pilots.
Gotcha... is there a recommended site that most use to check NFZ? Im located on East coast in NC
I'll add a slight variation - Richard R is correct that Litchi will still let you set up the mission, however, if you try to launch the mission and any part of it resides in a NFZ, it will not launch. I'm flying an engagement at the moment where part is in a NFZ and even though I am unlocked by DJI and can still fly using the Go app, Litchi doesn't seem to care and still won't launch.
Ok, I'm still on an older version of Go without the NFZ. So my equipment doesn't fence my in, or out in this case.
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I'll add a slight variation - Richard R is correct that Litchi will still let you set up the mission, however, if you try to launch the mission and any part of it resides in a NFZ, it will not launch. I'm flying an engagement at the moment where part is in a NFZ and even though I am unlocked by DJI and can still fly using the Go app, Litchi doesn't seem to care and still won't launch.
I had a waypoint mission that took me thru a NFZ, I was able to launch the mission and fly my first 4 points. What came next I don't as my mission took my unit out of VLOS. So when I finally found it an hour later I don't k ow if it crashed or if it self landed. When I recovered it I had 64% battery left. Thoughts ?

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