Litchi Failure

Is it merely a setting or do they have it disabled in the software on purpose?
Good morning, I only realized yesterday that the anti-collision system of Phantom 4 is not working on Litchi, neither IOS nor Android

Last time I flew Litchi (v1.14.1) it was working. I should clarify that it wasn't on a had just finished one, I was manually landing it (still in Waypoint mode) and noted as it was coming back to me that VPS, including anti-collision, was on. I also noted on another mission that VPS was on as evidenced by its rapid descent at end-of-mission autoland, slowing markedly as it got to about 6 feet.

Why do you think that anti-collision isn't working?
I have Litchi IOS and that was one of the first thing that I tested since obstacle avoidance is extremely important in a RTH situation. It works on my bird.
Personally, I'd be reluctant to test it in an automated flight mode like Waypoint. I've been assuming that if VPS works in any Litchi mode, it works in all of them. Hope I got that right.
Not my Video, but this demonstrates that the Obstacle Avoidance is operational during a Litchi Mission. One thing to remember is that if the craft is flying backwards or sideways the O/A is blind.

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Not my Video, but this demonstrates that the Obstacle Avoidance is operational during a Litchi Mission. One thing to remember is that if the craft is flying backwards or sideways the O/A is blind.
I agree, that was a remarkable demonstration of obstacle avoidance. Of course, that was Litchi version 1.10.0 from July. Currently we're on 1.14.1, eleven versions later. I doubt that Litchi intentionally removed VPS/anti-collision, but I guess the legitimate question would be...did it happen accidentally? (FWIW, I doubt it, and I'm assuming that it's working as designed).

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