Im near 4 miles away from an to fly the P3P?

I'm also within 5 miles from Addison Airport in north Dallas. I contacted the manager at the tower, and he gave me permission to fly within five miles in certain areas; around my house and over a greenbelt and lake nearby, without calling the tower every time.

A 2 Sept 15 FAA post suggested that people wanting to fly UAVs from a permanent location, should contact the tower with specific details. I did, and it was easy. Permission came with a caveat that it was standing and could be revoked at any time; understandable.

When you contact the tower, the more detailed your request, the better the chance of getting permission.

Realize that the tower manager may not be aware of that 2 Sept post, so cite it.
See 6 c 5 on page 2. Here a re my FAA Tower-approved areas, uo to 200 feet altitude, shown, about 3+ miles from the airport and well off flight paths.

View attachment 38599

Be polite. If you're a total jerk who can't live with rules, I suggest you move to Somalia, where you can do your thing in a libertarian paradise.

Totally agree with you. If you are near interaction with Aircraft then you will have to interact with them.
Yes. If you are talking about Miami International, you are forbidden from flying within 5 nautical miles from the airport. Their controlled airspace extends from the ground to 10,000 ft in cylinder that is 10nm in diameter. You will need an actual clearance by ATC (air traffic control) to enter the airspace (starts at the ground). You also will need to remain in constant communication with ATC during the flight. The fines if you don't comply are up to $10,000 per flight and federal prison and confiscation of your ship is possible. I'd take a drive away from MIA personally. MIA has ASR (approach surveillance radar and will most likely 'see' you. But since you don't have a transponder they won't know your p3p's altitude which will make them unable to know if you are on a collision course with other aircraft. You should contact the 'Approach Control Facility' prior to flight inside the MIA class 'Bravo' airspace prior and during each flight. Search: "FAR part 91.131" to read the law. Fly safe, fly legal. Russ Miley, FAA certified flight instructor. P3P owner/pilot

HAHAHAHA.... Good one, you had me going there for a while. If you actually did this, those guys would still be laughing harder then if you called the police in indiana
to report someone for eating an onion within 4 hours of a sporting event. ( an actual law)

While we are on the topic of funny laws which don't apply, here are some more. ( We should add your suggestion about the drone, lol)

20. Bingo games cannot last more than 5 hours (North Carolina)

19. Chickens are not allowed to cross the road (Quitman, Georgia)

18. If you cut down a cactus, you could be sentenced to 25 years in prison (Arizona)

17. Policemen are allowed to bite a dog if they think it will calm the dog down (Paulding, Ohio)

16. It’s against the law to sing off-key (North Carolina)

15. You may not sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday (Rhode Island)

14. You are not allowed to eat fried chicken any other way than using your hands (Gainesville, Georgia)

13. Marriage between cousins is against the law only if they are younger than 65 (Utah)

12. Red cars may not drive down Lake Street (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

11. Bear wrestling matches are prohibited (Alabama)

10. You may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit (Wyoming)

9 .You cannot buy meat of any kind on Sunday (Washington)

8. It’s illegal to attend a public event or use public transport within 4 hours of eating an onions or garlic (Indiana)

7. In San Antonio, flirting is against the law (Texas)

6. It’s illegal for a man to give his fiancé a box of candy that weighs more than 50 lbs (22.5 kg) (Idaho)

5. A motorist with criminal intentions must stop at the city limits and telephone the chief of police as he is entering the town (Washington)

4. If you are found stealing soap, you must wash yourself until the bar of soap has been completely used up (Arizona)

3. If you have mustaches, it’s illegal for you to kiss a woman (Eureka, Nevada)

2. It’s against the law for a woman to drive a car in Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the car waving a red flag (Waynesboro, Virginia)

1. You can be arrested or fined for harassing Bigfoot (Washington)
2. It’s against the law for a woman to drive a car in Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the car waving a red flag (Waynesboro, Virginia)

Okay, to quote McClintock, "I won't, I won't, the hell I won't".....I can see how this law could come into being....j/k I apologize to the ladies on the forum.
Yes, my interpretation at registration of one of my ships was that inside of 5 miles, the airport must be notified of your flight activities. I also think there is language that prohibits all UAV flights at less than 2 miles? (<= 121.9m alt. - 400ft agl) Permission is not sought, however. Common sense should prevail here. Call em up, TELL them who you are (e.g., Reg. #) and what you will be doing where and when and for how long.

Personally, I'd prefer to fly where these restraints weren't in play. This is not always possible OR desirable. ... but looking at a map of the U.S., finding areas where there are 5 mile radii of airport-less real-estate can be challenging unless you live in areas with minimal populations.

I'll wager a bet that this rule is frequently and unknowingly broken on an alarmingly regular basis. I hope I'm wrong ...
FAA rules are unrealistic and inflexible and years behind the times. Example: I recently wanted to demo my Phantom 4 to a friend in Ft Worth, so we drove out to just north of Aledo, just past the WSW edge of five miles from the Carswell AFB NFZ. That put us about 4.8 miles from the ESE edge of the Parker County Airport, where the runway is N/S. By strict FAA rules, I should have notified that private airfield before I demoed for my friend.

I never flew above 100 feet AGL during my demo. I endangered no-one during that short flight. Should any other aircraft have appeared in the area, I'd have dropped my P4 to below treetop level.

And yet, I was in violation of FAA rules, by not notifying the airport almost five miles away.

FAA rules for flying UAV's suck. They are written for the dumbest of dummies, and even so, those dummies won't be aware of the rules.

Those of us who are aware of the rules and restriction, and sensibly obey them, are being unfairly slurred by the ignorant and the stupid.

Maybe there should be license levels for FAA certification rather than the current One-Size-Fits-All?

I have a common-sense standing arrangement with the Addison Airport tower manager, to fly near my house and in a nearby greenbelt. Follow the regs, but also use common sense for low-level flights.

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