HDMI module

Jul 24, 2016
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I have tried to install an HDMI module to my 3Pro controller type GL 300 C. First one lasted one flight before it lost contact, the second one has done just the same. Checked all the contacts along the way, all ribbon cables firmly in, but controller still disconnected. Tried it on an Ipad, and an Iphone 6, same thing. i heard the beep as the USB cable went into the socket and then no contact. I replaced the original non HDMI module and all is well. Contact through DJI Go and Litchie too. I have followed the advice on various Youtube how to do its, even had them running whilst I installed the modules, so I am at a loss to explain what the problem is. I have removed the module for now, but I would appreicate and words of wisdom to help me get this module going again please. I need to have it so I can let other people see the flight through goggles, unless you feel that for that its not essential, but I do need to run goggles and ipad monitor at the same time.

Many thanks

I'm new to the Phantom but when I installed the HDMI on mine (P3A) I found somewhere that you had to update the firmware, even though it is up to date. I did and mine works fine.
Unless you have a buggy module (#54 dji module), you should have been prompted to upgrade the RC on your app when all is powered up. The upgrade enables you to use the additional functions in the app to enable simulataneous devices and also have the OSD slider to see flight data in your goggles. It took me a couple of goes to see the upgrade advice appear on the app on the home screen before I realised what was missing ( and a dodgy set of goggles first time around).
Thank you tevek.nithing came up as a prompt at all on either install. I doubt I could have two faulty modules so it indicates what you have suggested is the answer. Many thanks for clearing that up. I will look at it again.
Thank you too Papa Tom. It does seem as though that is my problem. Later on this week I will have another go at the install.
Find a android tablet with a hdmi out port. It is cheaper and more reliable than the dji module. Sorry I ended up destroying dji junk so I cannot return it.
Thanatos an interesting thought Rocktopper. I am all Mac myself so it was not something I would ever think about.
Thank you tevek.nithing came up as a prompt at all on either install. I doubt I could have two faulty modules so it indicates what you have suggested is the answer. Many thanks for clearing that up. I will look at it again.
Maybe power up the AC and RC, open up the app to the first screen only (not into camera view) and wait for a bit. From memory it may have been 30 secs for me. Firmware for mine upgraded from 1.6 to 1.8, might be the same for both P3P as for my P4 as they are the same controller.
My thanks for that. I will try that over the next day or two. Midnight here so sleep beckons for now, but I will post and let you know the outcome.
Hey all - I'm on 1.7.6 and would prefer to stay there. Also thinking of adding the HDMI module; any way to add it without having to upgrade firmware?

Many thanks!
Hey all - I'm on 1.7.6 and would prefer to stay there. Also thinking of adding the HDMI module; any way to add it without having to upgrade firmware?

Many thanks!
My experience was that you had to update the controller firmware to see the additional settings in the go4 app. No update meant no HDMI output for the goggles. The controller functions behaved in exactly the same way as before, so don't worry too much.
Gotcha. Full backstory is I'm buying a whole second setup as a backup since I had an amp go down during a job last week; the package I'm getting is used and there's already an HDMI box on the RC. I'm thinking of changing the box to my amped RC to expand my options - but I may just fly it as is for a bit!

Thanks a lot!
Pretty much giving up on this now. I have tried everything suggested. The device is recognised by the controller and I can adjust the settings in side the controller. The controller can control the gimbal on the aircraft, but I still get no visual output on to the screen from the aircraft. The android hdmi output is looking more attractive to me. The module has been in and out like ......... (fill in the spaces). Don't want to keep doing this much more as I do not wish to break the ribbon cable. I guess it must be me that is the problem as two modules can't be faulty can they?
So really asking for help yet again guys, and suggestions. Putting in the bin is not an option at the moment. I really need to get the goggles working in buddy mode and this is the only way I believe.
Unless you have a buggy module (#54 dji module), you should have been prompted to upgrade the RC on your app when all is powered up. The upgrade enables you to use the additional functions in the app to enable simulataneous devices and also have the OSD slider to see flight data in your goggles. It took me a couple of goes to see the upgrade advice appear on the app on the home screen before I realised what was missing ( and a dodgy set of goggles first time around).
Hi @tevek, can you please elaborate on the "buggy module" comment? I am trying to install the #54 HDMI module into my P3P RC and I am unable to get it to update to the latest firmware. I upgraded pre-HDMI to 1.9.3 and then removed the old module and installed the #54 HDMI module, but I am not prompted to re-apply the firmware. The issue I am having is that I cannot get the RC and iPhone to connect when I snap the HDMI cover onto the module and connect the USB-Lightning cable. However, if I remove the HDMI cover and connect the USB-Lightning cable to the USB port on the RC, then both devices connect in DJI Go. Any ideas?
Hi @tevek, can you please elaborate on the "buggy module" comment? I am trying to install the #54 HDMI module into my P3P RC and I am unable to get it to update to the latest firmware. I upgraded pre-HDMI to 1.9.3 and then removed the old module and installed the #54 HDMI module, but I am not prompted to re-apply the firmware. The issue I am having is that I cannot get the RC and iPhone to connect when I snap the HDMI cover onto the module and connect the USB-Lightning cable. However, if I remove the HDMI cover and connect the USB-Lightning cable to the USB port on the RC, then both devices connect in DJI Go. Any ideas?
There were a number of posts some time ago regarding faulty modules (maybe a bad batch?). In my case it took a couple of goes to get the FW to update as I wasn't waiting long enough for the prompt to appear on the screen. If you are able to see the 'simultaneous output' and 'OSD' in the app with the module cover removed, you must have the update installed. WRT to the cover dropping the signal out, it may be that your three ribbons are not exactly lined up with input modules on the circuit board or your retaining clips are not perfectly locked in and laying flat. Fitting the cover may be causing a disconnect by pushing on the ribbon cables if they are not fitted correctly. Easy to miss if you are not OCD, has happened to quite a few people on this forum.

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