Example of a Litchi mission for those on the fence...

Do you think Litchi would make it easier to use my old P3A as a leaf blower? I raked the leaves with my P3A using manual mode but I could make a Litchi mission named "Rake the Leaves". Start it and go back inside to watch the Cubs lose the World Series.
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Do you think Litchi would make it easier to use my old P3A as a leaf blower? I raked the leaves with my P3A using manual mode but I could make a Litchi mission named "Rake the Leaves". Start it and go back inside to watch the Cubs lose the World Series.

Ha Ha, Love it :)
Your videos are brilliant Brockrock, and the information and comments from other users some of the most useful and constructive I've seen for awhile.

I think that you've "sold" Litchi to me now! Thanks.
Your videos are brilliant Brockrock, and the information and comments from other users some of the most useful and constructive I've seen for awhile.

I think that you've "sold" Litchi to me now! Thanks.

Thank you. It is powerful software and can be lots of fun to use. Remember to check, double check, and then triple check all of your settings, waypoints, and POI's. This takes a while to do at first, so short missions are recommended, but after another short while, it will become second nature, and you can check and recheck everything fairly fast.
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Here is a video that I shot yesterday afternoon using Litchi. I have since tweaked some of the waypoints to not 'clip' the shoreline, and I slowed down the mission speed from 20 to 16 MPH. Now I just have to wait for another calm and clear afternoon at just before sunset to send the copter up again with these new settings. Maybe tomorrow.

This is an example of one of the benefits of Litchi. I could never have manually flown this mission as smoothly while at the same time panning and tracking the camera in this way. This is my first YouTube video.

Very nice. This is how videos should look in my opinion.
Nice video. Was planning to go down to Mystic and get some aerial shots. Groton airport looks like its on the edge of the 5 mile window - any issues with the dji NFZ ? And where is a good place to launch from - if you don't mind me asking.
This is an excellent example of man vs machine, well done. If I had to offer anything it would be try manual tilt on the camera for having less sky in some scenes, and more color saturation. But it's not often you see a continuous clip like this that will hold your attention, I really enjoyed it. vVertigo on vimeo

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Nice video. Was planning to go down to Mystic and get some aerial shots. Groton airport looks like its on the edge of the 5 mile window - any issues with the dji NFZ ? And where is a good place to launch from - if you don't mind me asking.

Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it. It was a fun project. No issues with NFZ. I have not attempted this mission since installing a recent Litchi update however, and I read here that one individual had what he suspects to have been an NFZ / Litchi issue that caused his copter to auto land during a mission... Regardless, the actual DJI NFZ around Groton Airport is a less than 2 mile ring. The possibility of penetrating the Class D Airspace around Groton just requires a call for permission.

I grew up in Mystic, and I have seen the town change from a relatively quiet village with practical stores and shops to a bustling tourist mecca of tee-shirts, every flavor of ice cream imaginable, and fancy sweaters for your dog... Real estate is gold in Mystic, and finding a public access spot to fly - without attracting too much attention - is very difficult. That is why I suggest a boat.
This is an excellent example of man vs machine, well done. If I had to offer anything it would be try manual tilt on the camera for having less sky in some scenes, and more color saturation. But it's not often you see a continuous clip like this that will hold your attention, I really enjoyed it.

Greetings, and thank you for the reply and tip. I appreciate it. I am enjoying this learning curve. I will take a stop by to your Vimeo channel as well. Cheers!
Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it. It was a fun project. No issues with NFZ. I have not attempted this mission since installing a recent Litchi update however, and I read here that one individual had what he suspects to have been an NFZ / Litchi issue that caused his copter to auto land during a mission... Regardless, the actual DJI NFZ around Groton Airport is a less than 2 mile ring. The possibility of penetrating the Class D Airspace around Groton just requires a call for permission.

I grew up in Mystic, and I have seen the town change from a relatively quiet village with practical stores and shops to a bustling tourist mecca of tee-shirts, every flavor of ice cream imaginable, and fancy sweaters for your dog... Real estate is gold in Mystic, and finding a public access spot to fly - without attracting too much attention - is very difficult. That is why I suggest a boat.
Thanks for the info. The boat is an excellent suggestion - sold mine when I moved up here from South Florida - definitely a mistake. Took a spin thru Mystic this morning - decided to go up the road a bit to Stonington Pt and got a few good pictures.
Very nice. By chance, are those stills captured from a video that you shot of the Borough, or are they photo captures? I ask because I have noticed that the photography mod on my P4 does not take nearly as detailed images as doing short 4K bursts and then capturing still from them. Others have mentioned this issue as well.

I have a Litchi mission that I have to find - and when I do, I will edit and post on YouTube - where I send my P4 from the Point up along the west shore of the Borough, past the fishing fleet, and up just shy of the train tracks prior to returning home. It came out fairly nicely really.
Very nice. By chance, are those stills captured from a video that you shot of the Borough, or are they photo captures? I ask because I have noticed that the photography mod on my P4 does not take nearly as detailed images as doing short 4K bursts and then capturing still from them. Others have mentioned this issue as well.

I have a Litchi mission that I have to find - and when I do, I will edit and post on YouTube - where I send my P4 from the Point up along the west shore of the Borough, past the fishing fleet, and up just shy of the train tracks prior to returning home. It came out fairly nicely really.
These are stills. I don’t get as good a detail just sampling the video – maybe the software I’m using isn’t as good at grabbing stills. Wish it did, seems like the best framed shots of the day always end up being from the video. BTW, I also have been battling the gimbal horizon tilt issue. The C2 button and photo wheel gimbal roll feature really helps. Did not see this feature in the DJIGO app documentation (or lack of). Would never have known about it without folks on this forum mentioning it.

Look forward to seeing your Litchi mission of Stonington.
Yeah. Tilted horizons are an ongoing issue. The C2 / scroll wheel works well in both Go and Litchi but it does create a twitch in the video. I have now learned to just edit this out with a soft fade into another scene or shot angle... Otherwise, I just live with it. I find watching my missions after to be relaxing - while enjoying some form of tasty beverage of course - and since I do this for fun, that is what I am choosing to focus on.
Yeah. Tilted horizons are an ongoing issue. The C2 / scroll wheel works well in both Go and Litchi but it does create a twitch in the video. I have now learned to just edit this out with a soft fade into another scene or shot angle... Otherwise, I just live with it. I find watching my missions after to be relaxing - while enjoying some form of tasty beverage of course - and since I do this for fun, that is what I am choosing to focus on.
Indeed - this is way too much fun. I think you have me convinced to start using Lithci missions again. I had a near oops with it early on - but it does make it easier to concentrate on getting smoother video.
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Yikes. I would love to see that mission's route settings if you still have it saved. That's about as near of a miss as you would ever want to see... Definitely a 'consarnit' moment
Look forward to seeing your Litchi mission of Stonington.

I found it, worked with it a bit, and here it is:

That was one of the very early Litchi Missions, and I am going to have to go back into it and tweak it a bit. There are some rough spots, but its hard to get bad footage of such a picturesque place.
I found it, worked with it a bit, and here it is:

That was one of the very early Litchi Missions, and I am going to have to go back into it and tweak it a bit. There are some rough spots, but its hard to get bad footage of such a picturesque place.
Very nice video - much smoother than the one I shot manually yesterday. Like to shoot right after sunrise for the nice light and lack of people, but the nice harbor area you shot was all in shadows for me. Was struggling with horizon tilt through most of the flight - Mavic looks cool - but if DJI wants me to buy one of their new models - they will have to fix the gimbal issue.

Very nice video - much smoother than the one I shot manually yesterday. Like to shoot right after sunrise for the nice light and lack of people, but the nice harbor area you shot was all in shadows for me. Was struggling with horizon tilt through most of the flight - Mavic looks cool - but if DJI wants me to buy one of their new models - they will have to fix the gimbal issue.

Very nice job! Great flying. Your horizon is actually spot on in the majority of the footage, and only a bit off in the yawing shots. I'm beginning to think that this is unavoidable.

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