Board for H3-2d

Apr 29, 2014
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Anyone have a source for a replacement board for my H3-2D? Everything works, but the board is cooked and the gimbal won't permit FPV, or charge the battery. Just need the board -


Yes, that's the one. The gimbal works like a champ, but no FPV and it won't charge. Any leads on one?
Mine does same, after couple crashes and two water dunks, I finally got a fpv setup but iOSD info was tx but no video. I traced the problem to the gimbal, no video was getting thru. A video signal applied at the ribbon cable from the gimbal would get transmitted. To solve the easiest and surest way, I purchased a mini-usb right angle video plug for approx. $5 and wired it to the video input of the iOSD mini and now works. The wires have to be carefully routed from the usb plug to the P2 to keep the gimbal from hanging up.
Tolipa said:
Yes, that's the one. The gimbal works like a champ, but no FPV and it won't charge. Any leads on one?

I'm afraid not. It's hard to find working ones available and usually you have to buy a busted gimbal to get one...I'm always on the lookout for those boards to use for repair. Best bet is to keep your eyes on classifieds (here and other sites) and ebay. The trick is finding a broken one that you can still have confidence has a working unaffected board.

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