Anyone up here in Nebraska?

Just joined and plan on ordering my P2 in the next week or so. Would love to pick your guys brains about different things etc.
Been a great week to log some time.
Cessna said:
Been a great week to log some time.

A fantastic week!

Been flying RC and Quads all week - every day. Two 350QX drivers and me were flying today and converting some of the RC guys. Couldn't be a better week of weather. Cool in the morning, no wind... just swell.
Forgive a comment from an Iowa flyer in a Nebraska discussion, but the weather has been fantastic. I took this opportunity to fly over water for the second time. It's been so calm, could not resist the temptation. Went out about 400 feet over the Mississippi River the other night after 9:30pm. Wish I had removed the white LED headlight. White props and red glow of front LED's distracted from an already grainy GoPro recording. Although it was nice to turn on ATTI and not drifting all over.
Hey guys, so I have a business doing areal photography here in the area of eastern nebraska and western iowa. I need to get a second pilot in my small company to cover events that I might be gone during. Anybody interested? I have an event that needs covered already. The money you make that day is all yours. I just need to get my company name out there and make it become something so I need a second pilot. I require absolutely nothing from you other than be professional and treat it as a job. I will not take anything from the pay that you make that day. It is all yours. Let me know.
Just purchased my phantom 2 about a week ago, still working on getting my FPV set up. Anyone know of some cool places to fly in Lincoln. I've just stopped out at a couple of parks so far.
From Omaha and have been flying my Phantom 2 Vision + quite a few times. Getting tired of being chased away from 1st Nat'l Tower security. LOL
Reviving this dead thread with a new video I made from some of last years unused footage.
Other vids on my channel. Enjoy :cool:

Hey guys! I just sold my p1 and bought a p3p here in Lincoln. Let me know when u guys wanna fly!
Hello, well it's Dec 28th 2015 and I just got a new Phantom 2 for Christmas. It's the one with the Zenmuse H4-3D and I to live in Omaha (Papillion) too. My first and foremost concern are firmware updates because of the nightmares I've read about others trying to do the updates themselves and basically rendering the drones useless or fly aways.

Also, changing modes - whether to use the Phantom mode or the Naza M mode????

And it seems there are no drone stores or expert support here in Omaha or even in the Midwest for that matter.

Mind you, I've not even removed it from the box yet and don't really intend to until Springtime arrives. But, I would like to know that all firmware updates are in place and the unit is in whichever mode I decide on (Naza M mode is what I will want) when I am ready to fly it.

Would love to have a DJI store here where a guy could walk in and talk face to face with an expert.
Hello, well it's Dec 28th 2015 and I just got a new Phantom 2 for Christmas. It's the one with the Zenmuse H4-3D and I to live in Omaha (Papillion) too. My first and foremost concern are firmware updates because of the nightmares I've read about others trying to do the updates themselves and basically rendering the drones useless or fly aways.

Also, changing modes - whether to use the Phantom mode or the Naza M mode????

And it seems there are no drone stores or expert support here in Omaha or even in the Midwest for that matter.

Mind you, I've not even removed it from the box yet and don't really intend to until Springtime arrives. But, I would like to know that all firmware updates are in place and the unit is in whichever mode I decide on (Naza M mode is what I will want) when I am ready to fly it.

Would love to have a DJI store here where a guy could walk in and talk face to face with an expert.

Hey there dhornick! I am in Lincoln and am very well versed on these DJI Phantoms. I had a 1.1 a while back and have been flying a Phantom 3 professional for a little while now. To answer your questions, the updates are very much needed. They make the helicopter fly smoother and more efficiently. As long as you do it correctly, you will not cause any damage. Just read the manual and do it step by step and you will be just fine. Also, Just beginning I would stick with the modes that are on your phantom factory. Fly in GPS mode until you get used to the controls and then you can fly without GPS. I use mine for photography so I dont do too much playing so I'm always in GPS mode. Let me know if you have anymore questions. If you PM me, i can send you my phone number too and we can text or message a lot faster that way.
Hello, well it's Dec 28th 2015 and I just got a new Phantom 2 for Christmas. ...

And it seems there are no drone stores or expert support here in Omaha or even in the Midwest for that matter.

Would love to have a DJI store here where a guy could walk in and talk face to face with an expert.

Canfields sells Phantoms. They have only one or two guys who know Phantoms but if you catch them in, you can probably chat a bit.

DO read the instructions and set up your Phantom. DO a compass alignment. Don't set up manual mode - GPS and accelerometer modes are good enough for that size. Be sure to let it get several satellites before launching. I get 10 or more quite quickly. Make sure you know how to drop to Failsafe and keep your mind in gear when first flying. If need be, just go to Failsafe and let it return to home. Don't fly in your yard the first time.

There are a few in our club with Phantoms - and a few with racing quads.

Bellevue RC Aeromodelers. Our field is in back of Haworth Park. Visit the webpage at Right now access to the field is for members only because of vandals destroying parts of the park. They locked up our area. We have the combination and can go in but only members get the combination.

I've flown my P2 there quite a lot. Some of the photos on the webpage are from Phantoms.

Also, the SAC Museum has a drone club. They are a little farther away and the field is limited but it is an option. They only fly on weekends and are strictly indoors until Spring. Indoors is probably not suitable for a Phantom - mostly for racing quads - but you could still get in stick time there.
Oh... and as long as you do your homework, you will probably have a great experience. Many of the complaints of flyaways and such have their roots in basic mistakes. Usually not setting up with the most recent firmware, not aligning the compass, not giving GPS time to lock in, not doing a preflight, flying in non-GPS in heavy winds, etc. When you get it all ready to fly, let me know and we can meet at the field if I'm in town. It helps to have someone beside you who has flown before but it isn't completely necessary. I started with a Phantom I a couple of years ago and there was no one around. I lived. ;-}

[email protected]
Two very quick responses and I greatly appreciate them. Here's my deal. I've flown RC planes in the past although it was several years ago. I have no problem with the actual flying having great hand eye coordination. My concerns are the electronics. I read on here a step by step list of how to do a firmware update and if I remember there were 46 steps involved. I am not going to do that myself. And then I read something that said even the batteries have to be updated? Whoa. To much for me. As for flying, I certainly don't mind staying in Phantom node to begin with.

I've watched dozens of videos of tutorials of first flights and again the electronics kill me. The GPS calibrations seems pretty straight forward but all the bells and whistles and lights are a bit much. Oh and I am color-blind so lights don't do me alot of good.

Much different from a balsa wood airplane and a .40 cc gas engine. lol

I guess my real question is this..... Is there a place or a person that will do the firmware updates for a price? To me it's much easier to pay to have it done correctly then for me to attempt it. All I really need to to make sure everything is as up to date as possible and then I will fly it.
Two very quick responses and I greatly appreciate them. Here's my deal. I've flown RC planes in the past although it was several years ago. I have no problem with the actual flying having great hand eye coordination. My concerns are the electronics. I read on here a step by step list of how to do a firmware update and if I remember there were 46 steps involved. I am not going to do that myself. And then I read something that said even the batteries have to be updated? Whoa. To much for me. As for flying, I certainly don't mind staying in Phantom node to begin with.

I've watched dozens of videos of tutorials of first flights and again the electronics kill me. The GPS calibrations seems pretty straight forward but all the bells and whistles and lights are a bit much. Oh and I am color-blind so lights don't do me alot of good.

Much different from a balsa wood airplane and a .40 cc gas engine. lol

I guess my real question is this..... Is there a place or a person that will do the firmware updates for a price? To me it's much easier to pay to have it done correctly then for me to attempt it. All I really need to to make sure everything is as up to date as possible and then I will fly it.
I guess my real question is this..... Is there a place or a person that will do the firmware updates for a price? To me it's much easier to pay to have it done correctly then for me to attempt it. All I really need to to make sure everything is as up to date as possible and then I will fly it.

Try Canfields. I'm out of town right now and I tend to be absent more than present (in both mind and body). Also, the '46 steps' is a little daunting when you read it but it really isn't that complicated. I would suggest attempting to set up the software on your computer. You will want and need to do that anyway. Updates are fairly painless. One way would be to attempt it and, if you think you have it, have someone double check your work.

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