3d models using images - quality

Sep 8, 2015
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I just started to use the phantom and sites such as DroneDeploy to create 3d models. While the 3d models look ok from a distance, up close there are obvious artifacts. In general the 3d model of a house will look as if it is melting or underneath the eaves or a covered porch there will not be enough information to correctly fill in the 3d model correctly.
In an effort to increase the accuracy, I took 170 pictures of a house which seemed to help in some areas but overall the 3d model was still not accurate enough to produce a sharp 3d model.
Is it possible to produce a sharp and accurate 3d model of a large object such as a house or a tower? Is there a specific technique to create a sequence of photos to ensure the model gets filled in enough? Is it necessary to complete additional processing than what the typical DroneDeploy or one of the other sites completes.
Or if I want a sharp 3d model should I use a different technology such as a lidar?
You can sharpen up the 3D meshes a tad bit, but for the most part they will always look like a melted 3D model up close. It has a lot to do with flight patterns, amount of over lap, time of day, basically any thing you cad do to decrease the GSD will help. A GSD of 1cm/pix will produce a sharper model than say a 2cm/pix GSD. When you get right down to it, all the 3D mesh is, are the orthomosaics draped over a dense point cloud, hence why you get those rounded off melted looking edges.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots
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