camera sensor

  1. nejimmy

    P3 Focus Issue w different board it seems

    So I have inherited a P3S and here is a still and video from the device which are unusable in my view Still P3S-Still.png Video P3S-Video.mp4 Soooo watched some YouTube and opened back of camera and this is the board which looks a lot different from the videos I have watched and seems like a...
  2. HeyJuffy

    Camera Sensor and Gimball Related Error

    I crashed my drone to a tree using sport mode. Fell down with battery separated from the main body. Checked overall status - found the following error: - Camera Sensor Error - Gimbal cannot receive Main Controller Data Camera and Gimbal is working but when attempted to take off - controller...
  3. M

    Photos: Phantom 3 Standard (P3S) camera disassembled

    Since I don't think anybody has posted pictures of a disassembled P3S camera, here are some for reference. I disassembled mine after the appearance of a speck of dust on the sensor. CAUTION: The most significant difference I can tell (aside from the removable lens cover on the P3A and P3P) is...