Recent content by wloksta

  1. W

    Can particles in the air can damage the drone?

    I am trying to use drones to inspect some flour silos, to check for pests. And inside the silo, the air is full of particles (flour, wheat). Can that damage the drone in some way? Can it explode or something? (I will use the Mavick Pro)
  2. W

    Can i create a custom flight path and dont have to controll the drone manually at all?

    Sure! I`ll try to do it, and if i succed ill make a new post on how things worked out.
  3. W

    Can i create a custom flight path and dont have to controll the drone manually at all?

    So even manually it would be hard? But possible right?
  4. W

    Can i create a custom flight path and dont have to controll the drone manually at all?

    I'm trying to implement drones in my business, and the thing i want them to do is, they have to film 360 degrees, then they have to go down for a few meters and film 360 degrees again, and so on for a few times, and after, fly straight up back to the top. And they have to do that in a small and...