Recent content by Upper5Percent

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    People complains

    Just wear this shirt when you fly...:) Watching You For Your Safety T-Shirt
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    British Airways UAV Incident in a Nutshell.

    Engines for the A320 family cost roughly $10 million dollars per if the UAV had been sucked into one of the engines and those wonderful fan blades had shattered as they are apt to do when solid objects enter the engine's air column...that little event could have cost in the tune...
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    So some idiot shot my phantom3 advanced WITH 22.

    That or he owns a TrackingPoint System...:rolleyes: TrackingPoint precision guided rifles decide when to take their own best shot
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    State DOTs Double Down On Deploying Drones

    Multiple state DOTs are seriously examining the use of drones to help improve road safety thanks in large part to mounting data from numerous state-funded studies. A survey published in March and conducted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials found that 33...
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    DJI makes 1 billion in 2015 but why isn't it made in America ?

    Trump Manufactures His Clothing Line in China and Mexico While Bashing Them for "Stealing" US Jobs
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    Drones and idiots don't mix - Heathrow International

    So are you calling these pilots liars? Drone spotted in flight path of jet near Logan Airport - The Boston Globe
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    Moron flys his drone over Vancouver airport.

    Best story of Oshkosh... 840 million dollar B-2 stealth bomber decided to make a trial run in a real world environment. It was cleared by the tower to departure control, who said "Ah-h, roger Northrop B2. RADAR Contact.:...:)...