Recent content by makuch73

  1. makuch73

    Night flying

    Just trying to help.
  2. makuch73

    Night flying

    Very nice. You are getting the hang of it. What city is this?
  3. makuch73

    Night flying

    No didn’t use any filter at night. I have ND filters I use through out the day. But not at night.
  4. makuch73

    Night flying

    How did the long exposure go?
  5. makuch73

    Night flying

    No 107 here.
  6. makuch73

    Night flying

    I love the colors. Nice job.
  7. makuch73

    Night flying

    Now that is cool. How do you set up a time lapse?
  8. makuch73

    Night flying

    Yes. You can always make it brighter in post.
  9. makuch73

    Night flying

    The long shutter is the blur. Put it up in the air and adjust the ISO. You can see how much light you let in immediately even without taking a picture. Put it where you think it looks good.
  10. makuch73

    Night flying

    Took this with 3 phantoms. 2 dancing and 1 taking the picture.
  11. makuch73

    Night flying

    You can also shut off the front Red LED’s so you don’t get a red glare in the pic.
  12. makuch73

    Night flying

    Here is the 8 sec shutter. If that is too long play around with the time. The ISO is how much light you are letting in.
  13. makuch73

    Night flying

    I did enhance. I have started shooting in raw and that give you more room to work on the post touch ups. I use light room and snap seed for the final pics. Here is the before pic.
  14. makuch73

    Night flying

    That pic had 2 or 3 cars in it. The more cars the more streaks. Here I did a slow spin.
  15. makuch73

    Night flying

    I had the shutter speed at 8 sec. that is the longest you can do. Play around with the times. It is fun once you get the hang of it.