Recent content by Kmb

  1. Kmb

    What cause the toilet bowl effect

    Just type in the word TOILET in the search. Many threads on this. Good compass operation/calibration is paramount!! I own 3 PS3 drones. I have replaced a flakey compass before. You can look at various sensor.readings on your phone while linked. Lots of threads on this also. Once you get a good...
  2. Kmb

    What causes ATTI mode?

    I have found compass errors cause the atti mode switch with my PS3. Practice flying in atti mode. You will need that skill.
  3. Kmb

    Wooden props ?

    Use the DJI plastic props. From the research I did, that is the way to go.
  4. Kmb

    Wooden props ?

    Check out Zoar. Wooden props that uses acorn nuts
  5. Kmb

    How far can a standard fly and return home?

    I can get out like that with about 20 25% in warm weather using the DBS mod. No wind
  6. Kmb

    Phantom 3 Standard 5.8 Signal Strength

    Yes! Have oem PS3 got a mile out. Add DBS. Made it out 2.7 miles. Yes! You can not see 5.8 on the wifi app. Do as this guy says, fly it. Love to send the PS3 out!!
  7. Kmb

    Itelite issues

    I use a DBS on my PS3. OEM was 5800 feet. I have hit 17000 feet. You have to be lucky. Have a drone that can get out a mile OEM. And install a DBS Itelite oem. Gotta have flat and no wifi conflicts i.e. farm fields . Watch wind and battery. 17000 feet flight was staight out no wind. When...
  8. Kmb

    PS3 Never came home, DJI wants logs that I cant find it's expensive but works great. No 2g 3g needed.
  9. Kmb

    P3s range, sorry if its been asked a million times

    15000 feet with the DBS Itelite antenna mod
  10. Kmb

    Modifying the Bird

    Can you post the link for the props? Thanks.
  11. Kmb


    Check out this thread Phantom 3S RTH messages I have never seen
  12. Kmb

    Longest range??

    6000 feet unmodified. With Itelite antenna mod, over 15000 feet.
  13. Kmb


    I regularly get out over 15000 feet. My farthest is 17000 feet. See attached flight log. Can't find my 17000 foot flight log. Only mod I have is the Itelite RC antenna mod. I don't upgrade firmware or DJI go app. Firmare 1.8.10 DJI go app 3.1.3 using s7 edge. Have 3 drones all PS3. I fly in...
  14. Kmb


    Great thread. That OP knows how to get out there!