Recent content by AmbitDrone

  1. AmbitDrone

    Antenna upgrade

    Curious though, does it help with video signals as well? My setup seems to drop video signal all the time. I could be less than 150ft up and less than 200ft from the bird and video drops. So would these antennas help with video signals or should I be looking at something else like a phone...
  2. AmbitDrone

    Is it possible to link P3 Standard Controller to P3 4k Drone?

    Basically what happens is, when you attempt to charge it, those two lights come on and act like it's charging. Then depending on how long the charger has sat without a charge attempt, it will flash like it's charging anywhere from 10 seconds to about 3 minutes. I've found that if I haven't...
  3. AmbitDrone

    Is it possible to link P3 Standard Controller to P3 4k Drone?

    I recently bought a used 4k Phantom 3, and the controller seems to have issues with taking a charge. I am curious if it's possible to link a P3 Standard controller to the 4k Drone? This is what happens when I attempt to charge it: I have a P3 Standard as well as a P3 4k. So I was wondering...
  4. AmbitDrone

    Part 107 operate as hobbyist?

    I thought if you registered your drone for commercial usage, you are required to only fly commercially. Is that not true? I can't remember where I read it, but I am pretty sure I may have.
  5. AmbitDrone

    can I fly here or need authorization ( commercial)

    And one other thing to point out on your sectional map provided, you are pointing to an area that is close to a solid magenta line which is a Class C airspace. You cross that line while flying you will need authorization/approval. So it's important to be mindful of your co-ordinance when flying...
  6. AmbitDrone

    can I fly here or need authorization ( commercial)

    But because his map clearly points out he's in a Class E airspace with a FL of 700 ft, therefore any airspace below that is Class G and no authorization or waiver is needed.
  7. AmbitDrone

    can I fly here or need authorization ( commercial)

    That's essentially what I was saying, if it's Class E Surface, it requires ATC approval, which must be granted via the FAA and it's Authorization/Waiver process.
  8. AmbitDrone

    can I fly here or need authorization ( commercial)

    To expand on Crack The Sky's post, the only time this would change is if it is a Class E ("Echo") surface area. In which case you would need ATC authorization in order to fly.