Is there anyone with Phantom 4 Pro 2.0 without the yaw drift problem?

That behavior is not normal. My flying buddy was getting compass calibration message every flight of his Mavic 2. He bought a degausser and that cleared up the issue.

This post is very informative on how the compass works. After reading it, I no longer calibrate just for the sake.

I put my Pro V2 together with various parts and have been flying it lately and I do not have any yaw drift. I do though have to let the drone warm up for about 2 min and power cycle it to get it to connect to the controller.
But it is true that the P4PV2' compass need calibration before each mission. Changing location and/or altitude, car trip, or even long walk in changing terrain always need recalibration before first flight. Compared to my Mavic Pro Platinum which never ask for.
Mine has only needed one compass calibration in the year I've had it and that was after it went for a ride on an airplane which seemed perfectly understandable. But that's literally the only time. Not sure what's going on with yours that it needs it before every flight but I can say thets not normal.
Is that a constructive answer ?
I'm telling what happens with my P4. Pure or false bunk.
That would probably depend on your definition of bunk. Hell I don't have a clue what kind of bunk he's referring to lol. I slept in a bunk bed as a kid but I'm betting that's not the right bunk lol
But it is true that the P4PV2' compass need calibration before each mission
I have had one in the five I have owned that asked every time so not “pure bunk” just highly unusual and certainly not “normal”. I just put up with it as it only took a moment.

Quite possibly if I had of tried degaussing the aircraft this might have been resolved. It wasn’t something I thought of doing at the time although I would certainly do it if one of my current ones asked every time now. I will point out again that this was the same aircraft that has the slight yaw issue so it may have been related.

I’ll also point out that the first of the 5 I owned (August 2018 manufacture so one of the first v2.0s) *never* asked for a recalibration. Not even if I travelled more than 50km from the last flight location or let more than 30 days pass since the last flight and theoretically at least that is a requirement hard baked into the firmware so … *shrug* just because it shouldn’t happen doesn’t seem to always be the case in practice.
I’ll say it again. Pure bunk!
And if you re-read YOUR post, it doesn’t say”your” P4PV2.
It reads”the”.
Had you included the wording“my P4PV2”, the response would have been different.
Ah.... you like precision ? I like logic : how could I know other P4s behaviors ? Do you read I'm a seller ? a tester ? my profile shows many P4s ?
Everybody here talk about is own stuff, isn't it ?
Stop nitpicking please.
There may be some truth in the possibility that stray magnetism could be affecting the compass. Would not recommend degaussing with a permanent magnet or bulk ac device. But a small localized head degausser in the area of the compass module, could be worth a try. Sometimes troubleshooting is a process of elimination. Lol. Allen
I did all initial calibrations when I got my P4P+ a while ago. It never asked for a compass calibration again until I flew to Culebra, Puerto Rico from Virginia. I believe it is necessary to do compass calibrations when taking large distance trips, to be on a safe side. This one time, I can't remember if I did a compass calibration when I got to Culebra, and while flying from Culebra to Culebrita, it gave me a compass error while in flight. I decided to proceed flying as I had decent amount of battery juice left and returned without issue. Once landed, I calibrated my compass and all is well.

Here is a video of that flight, just beautiful:

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