Gimbal roll motor seperation repair?

Jul 16, 2017
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So I just got a used P3 with the gimbal roll motor separated. I have the repair kit with new ribbon, both arms, and a gimbal saver.

When I just simply put the 2 halves of the motor back together it is a little wobbly and I can pull it back apart fairly easy. I don't think it will stay.

I found a video of a guy gluing it back together. But right when he glues it he blocks the view of the camera,,,lol. But I think he is putting the glue in the hole where the shaft goes. But does that need to turn. I'm just not understanding how the motor rotates. Does the shaft turn in the end bell.

Can I put a drop of super glue where the blue arrows are in my pics. And will it hold worth a crap. I really don't want to spend $40-$60 on a new roll motor.



Here's his video where he glued it. Is this one of you guys,,,lol. He glues it at about the 1:55 minute mark.

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Have you found an answer? I have the same issue after my dumb mistake put my bird into the side of a telephone pole[emoji35]
I didn't post yesterday, thinking someone else who has more experience would.
Are you sure that when you press the halves together, that it is fully seated?
The tip of the shaft should be flush with the front side of the silver cup, and I believe that most of what holds this together is the magnetic force.
But the tip of the shaft does need to fit rather snugly, to keep from "slipping" (turning) by itself in the metal cup (sorry, I don't know the part's actual name)
If it slips (turns), then the camera horizon will be tilted.
I have read where some user's had an issue with theirs slipping, so they adjusted the roll motor/camera to be level, then used a drop of superglue on the tip of the roll motor shaft.
I had this same problem yesterday. Went to fly for a commercial real estate job (yes, I have my Part 107) and the gimbal started shaking all crazy. After getting pissed about the prospect of losing the $250 for the job, I went home with my tail between my legs. THEN I remembered how important it is to get these pieces properly aligned. Started an inspection and noticed the exact situation you describe. I just went for it. Aligned the motor, board and gimbal to each other correctly and then with the other hand, applied a drop of super glue exactly where your second photo's blue arrow is, making sure to not get it on the ribbon cable. Held it in place until I was certain the glue had set. Today, I went and flew that job, uploaded, and am awaiting payment.

So, yes, gluing on the OUTSIDE (your second photo) will work. DO NOT put glue INSIDE the motor though. Just discovered this thread, and I know it has been a few months, but I hope this will help others as well.
This happened to me recently and i saw the guys video on how he fixed it like you did. Only thing is he seems like he is putting super glue on the INside, i did it on the OUTside in the center.

Thought this was a major issue but turns out pretty easy. I just pressed it in between thumb and forefinger until shaft is flush. Then put a small drop of super glue on OUTside in center. Spins freely, gave it a tug did not come off easily fixed it for me.

Before and after pics attached hope it helps someone.


  • Rollarm loose from motor.jpg
    Rollarm loose from motor.jpg
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  • Rollarm loose from motor after.jpg
    Rollarm loose from motor after.jpg
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Motor came apart

Phantom 3 StandardP3 Standard Help




Boy am i sure glad i found you guys. I crashed my drone in a situation where there was no room for error and i am a beginner.
So i ripped up the ribbon and the camera flew off the drone cause the roll motor came apart. I did have a camera guard on it. I have the new ribbon ready.
Are there any other parts that go with the 2 halfs in my pics? Screws, washers or ball bearings? Or i just glue it back together? Thank you so much.

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