Limenier 600mW 5.8GHz transmitter

What is the consensus on this TX. Is it better or about the same as a EmmersionRC?

Why not try what you have before deciding on more wattage. Personally, I would go with go Immersionrc which is the better unit over the Lumenier. Both are in the same price bracket.
the Lumnier vtx is a rebranded Matek-Sys vtx, i great vtx but it´s whit one fualt, the softwear is limit it to 500mw, it´s a mess to update but it outrun most radiolinks any way if your antennas are on par and you got a sensetive reciver(read tracker and some thing like ImersonRC +12db paches on it, seen it done 220km on higest seting and dragonlink + amp of 5W fore control link on a huge wing, but analog stuff like that needs a big bag of know how to do that stuff the right day at right whether (wind+humidity and so on)
on a multirotor you´ll need lots of concreat to even outrun cheep radiolinks(beginner to Dji, but pro freestyle pilot and still on analog for FPV stuff, bad video is bettre then 100% loss of picture like dji-fpv gear, HD-one(sharkbyte is safer at keep a weak digital link, but analog just can be posible to fly even if it´s 99% snowfall in the googles)

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