Recent content by spaz_12

  1. S

    Phantom 4 pro plus only wants to play lawn dart

    Had to go down to Marine base in Riverside yesterday to help my kid pack his stuff so didn't get a chance to fly drone but will do so shortly. Could have jjust waited to post after flight but my mind goes a mile a minute and I forget some things that I want to ask. So, while I'm thinking about...
  2. S

    Phantom 4 Pro Batteries Wanted

    I sorta did introduce myself in my first post, Which you replied to .
  3. S

    Phantom 4 Pro Batteries Wanted

    I noticed that you've been inquiring about used drones for sale. Didn't want to step on anyone's toes so decided to wait and see if you received any public replies. Had I noticed the dates of the original posts I might not have waited to tell you that I might have a 4pro v2 plus for sale. I say...
  4. S

    P3 Firmware P3P No image transmission signal

    I'd never seen one of those rotating pcb holders before! Looked up rotating pcb board holder on ebay and sure enough, 23 bucks. Thanks for showing it.
  5. S

    Phantom 4 pro plus only wants to play lawn dart

    I didn't see any warnings in the logs. Just responses from the drone that I didn't command. Had it do auto takeoff and once stable and hovering I gave it small yaw commands, which it did two or three with no issues and then went crazy. Might have given it a bit of collective (?) throttle up (?)...
  6. S

    Phantom 4 pro plus only wants to play lawn dart

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I've done the IMU along with Vision and compass, which I now think didn't really need to be done according to the above referenced thread.
  7. S

    Phantom 4 pro plus only wants to play lawn dart

    So I bought this drone fairly cheap from a guy that I work with because it'd been wrecked. I like fixing stuff and thought a drone would be a good challenge. Even though I'd flown rc heli's years ago, I didn't and still don't want to keep it, basically wanted to make a small profit. That said, I...